A Normal Intro

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Normal. That's a word you wouldn't describe me. Even if my life seems spick-and-span, it most defiantly isn't. From the time I was born on a breezy day in November to this very day. Maybe it started with the sudden snow storm that hit my home town in Pennsylvania the day I came home from the hospital. Or perhaps in every room I go to the temperature drops two degrees. All in all, I'm most definitely NOT. NORMAL.
What I'm about to reveal to you can be a lot. Shocking, confusing. Un-normal. I don't even know if I should tell you how the virus broke out or the meeting of my ass-kicking girlfriend or how my already strange life (somehow) got stranger.
But, like always, I already said too much. And if I don't continue, maybe future generations won't learn from this. So by telling you, I'm saving the world again. You're welcome.

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