Puppy love

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The rest of the day was spent with me and crybaby just laying with each other by the lake talking about all sorts of nonsense. I'm so happy in the position I'm in right now I mean I'm back with my family back in my home town and I'm finally back with the man of my dreams life's bein real good too Dolly. But there's still something I had to ask him.

"Crybaby?" I asked resting my head on his shoulder as we walked hand in hand down the dirt path.

"Yeah shuga?"

"I know it's not my place but I just gotta know, why did you and that square girl ever get together anyways, I mean she's clearly not you're type."

"You want the honest answer?" He looked down at me

"Well duh?"

"Okay I'll tell ya, ever since you left town Dolly I changed a little I mean sure I was still the charming man I am now" he nudged me and I laughed slapping his arm. "But u didn't quite have as much respect for myself, you see without you I didn't think there'd be no girl out there that would compare so I just settled."

"Wha do you mean?"

"You wanted the honest answer so I'll give it ya, I slept around a bit Dolly not with flocks of girls but a few and they where all to take my mind of you but they where all the same just couldn't compare to you. So when I met Allison I thought she's a pretty girl and nothing like yourself Doll you know quite timid and to me I thought it would be perfect yeno to take my mind off you and I won't lie it did for a lil bit but not for long." He looked down and sighed

"You see Doll no matter what I tired you where always at the back of my mind, I always hopped you'd come home and sure enough you did." He smiled at me bringing me closer in his arms.

"The day I seen you strut on down through that muddy carnival field in them sweet red heels I could of died and gone to heaven there and then I can't tell you how happy I was to have you back. And now look at us so the whole reason Allison was in my life was just so I could try and forgot you and now I hope I'll never ever loose you." He stopped and held my hands facing me. "Soo? That a good enough answer?" He smiled sheepishly

I gave him a soft smile leading him into false hope before I sent a hard slap to his face.

"What the fuck Dolly?!"

"That's for sleeping round and bein a lil man whore!" But all my anger washed away when the rest of his words finally made here way into my brain and I grabbed his jacket slapping my lips onto his.

"And that's for bein a total sweetheart."

"God I love you" he breathed out

"Good" I smirked

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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