Meeting the gang

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Dolly's POV

The 3 trouble makers where walking towards some shooting stand. Dolly and Tommy couldn't stop smiling, the gang still hadn't noticed them and they were gonna surprise them but there cover was kind of blown by a bunch of wolf whistles from another group of drapes.
"Well lookie here boys" One drape said
"Are beauty returns" another said with a wink
"The town tart! Mind if I get a slice of that doll?" One yelled making the cry baby gang turn there heads.
"In your wet dreams honey" I smirked crossing my arms
"Dolly!" Someone said. I turned my head quickly and was met with a bone crushing hug from hatchet face.
"Jeez Mona I gotta breath honey" I laughed as Hatchet was almost crushing my ribs. She let go putting me down then I noticed pepper walking towards us. Pepper was like my older sister while hatchet face was like the over protective sister so basically all the cry baby girls were like sisters to me.
"Dolly I can't believe you here" she smiles hugging me a lot more gentler. We pulled away and I looked down at her stomach and smiled.
"You got another bun cooking in there then huh?" I smiled
"Mhm" she nodded rubbing her stomach "not long now" she smiled.
"Hey speaking of kids where's snare-drum and Susie-Q?" I asked
Pepper pointed towards a bouncy castle and she saw the pair jumping up and down giggling away. Pepper whistled getting there attention, they quickly turned there heads and when they saw me they ran as fast as there little legs could take them and grabbed on tightly to Dolly's legs
"DOLLY!" They both Yell making me laugh
"Hey kids miss me?"
"Yeah!" They both yelled in unison
"Hey Dolly guess what!" Susie-Q said
"What is it doll face?" I asked
"I got my first hickey look!" She said moving her shirt away (btw there like 7 now and I know that's too young for a hickey but there drapes just roll with it.)
"That's great susie. Who's the lucky fella huh?" I asked raising my eyebrow and she just out her finger in front of her lips making a shh noise.
"Hey dolly! I had my first sip if whisky yesterday and it was reallyyyy good!" Snare-drum chimed
"Good for you buddy. Hey soon enough your gonna be sippin whiskey like a real man" I smiled ruffling his hair
Someone tapped me on the back making me jump slightly and she I turned it was Milton.
"Milton!" I smiled brightly hugging him, so Milton's kinda like Tommy attitude whys there both treat me like there little sister.
"Hiya shuga how's things?" He asked
"All good now" I beamed
"Any boys tryna touch you in the wrong places? Because you know me and my lady mona will cut there ass in a second" Miltin clicked his fingers as hatchet face whipped out a knife.
I laughed shaking my head "no no don't worry I'm fine."
"ANDDD WHEREEEE is my hug Miss Dolly Delilah Duncan" I heard Ramona shout from behind me.
"Ramona! Belvedere!" I smiled running as fast as possible in my heels.
The two wrapped there arms around me pulling me in yet another bone crushing hug.
"Bout time you cam an visited" Belvedere smiled
"Well I was kinda busy. But I'm back now!" I smiled
"Awhhh would you look at you. Looks like your gettin prettier every single god damn day." Ramona said placing a hand on my cheek "you look just like your mother" she smiled softly and I let out a small laugh.

Incase you didn't know our old folks passed away about 4 years ago in the Electric chair.

"Dolly?" Said a someone from behind me. I knew instantly who it was and when I turned my head my green eyes where locked with somebody's dark brown ones.
"CryBaby!" I smiled brightly and ran to him. His smile was almost as big as mine. He picked my up spinning me around just like they did in the movies.
"Dolly? I-i can't believe it! What you doin back here." He asked holding my arms
"Well me and Tommy were travalin for a lil while but it started to get boring so where moving back here!" I smiled
"That's great! You know Iv been missin my lil singer partner." He smiled nudging my arm.
"Hey maybe you two kids could sing together again tonight." Ramona said as the while gang surrounded us.
"Defiantly! What do you say dolly?" Cry baby asked
"Awh I could never turn down a jam sesh with the crybaby gang" I batted my eyelashes and everyone began to laugh.
"Perfect! Well what are we waiting for? We gotta get turkey point ready for this big ole reunion!" belvedere chimed. Everyone began to cheer and shout.
"Hey what am I a square?!" Tommy yelled and everyone turned and yelled "TOMMY!" Everyone ran and hugged him.
"Missed you too guys. Now come We got a party to plan!" Tommy Yelled and everyone began to cheer again making there way towards the cars and motorcycles.

//so the gang are back together but dolly still doesn't know about Allison...//

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