Dont kiss and tell

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"Goodddddd morning sweeties" Ramona called out as she entered the kitchen

"Good Morning" I smiled as I had just finished my pancakes and put my dishes into the sink along with Crybaby's.

"Mornin" Crybaby said making his way towards Ramona an giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Well I'll be damed. Last time I got a kiss from you when your were this big." She said putting her hand on her thigh. "What's got you in such a good mood this morning."

"Well I- we... as in me and Dolly are..." Crybaby stuttered rubbing the back off his neck
"Oh spit it out sweetie." Ramona said swatting him on the back

"What Wades tryna say is, Me and him are back together." I smiled walking behind Crybaby and wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

Ramona gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, at first I thought she wasn't happy but then she just began jumping up and down like a lil girl on Christmas who just got her first ever Malibu barbie. And then she put her fingers in her mouth doing a loud dog whistle and yelled...

"Family!!!! Get your asses in here. I got news!" And whit a matter of seconds the whole Gang was in the kitchen rubbing the sleep out there eyes and trying to fix their morning bed heads.

"You just interrupted me from my beauty sleep so this betta be good." Wanda scowled lifting her pink eye mask off from her eyes and fixing the rollers in her hair.

"Go ahead Dolly tell them the news." Ramona turned around with a huge smile on her face.

"Well it ain't anything really special it's just me and Crybaby are back together." I smiled as Crybaby stood up wrapping his arm around my waist.

The gang remained silent for a couple of seconds before they all broke out in cheers and smiles. Wanda, Pepper and Hatchet face came running over towards me and crushing me into a group hug and Milton an Belvedere gave Crybaby a proud pat on the back.

"Atta boy Wade" Belvedere smiled

"She's a keeper alright." Ramona smiled pulling me away from the girls and giving me a friendly squeeze.

"Hey you know what this means." Wanda said with a grin

"What?" Me and crybaby said in unison

"You guys can start singing together again!" She smiled an the whole gang again cheered at the news.

"Hey, she's right you know." Crybaby said making his way towards me

"Meh I don't know, I mean I actually prefer to sing without you now actually." I said

Everyone went silent an started looking at me like I was crazy.

I then burst out laughing hitting him playfully on the chest.

"Jeez guys I was kidding." I smiled and they all sighed with relief

"Oh okay funny girl think you'd be better without me huh?" Wade smirked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well I am kinda better than you at singing, slightly." I smirked placing my hands on his chest

"That's it." He smirked throwing me over his shoulder.

"Wait! Crybaby No! Put me down!" I laughed as Crybaby started to walk outside

"Oh don't worry I'll put you down once we get to the lake." He said and I instantly began to panic

"Wait why the lake? Wade Walker You Betta not be thinking what I think your thinking." I said hitting his back.

"Only one way to find out." He smirked smacking my ass playfully

And with that they left for the lake. The gang all had smiles on their faces as the happy couple left.

"Well aren't they just the cutest" Pepper said with a huge smile

"They do make the cutest couple." Wanda agreed nodding her head

"Who makes the cutest couple." Tommy says as he enters the kitchen

Oh shit.

Cry Baby Walker Where stories live. Discover now