Remembering changes nothing

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Hi! So uh...I made a soundcloud and Tumblr for this story and I thought I'd share it with you! On Soundcloud I upload music that I made for this story using a app on android call Groovepad. I recommend using it! It's awesome! So here are the links and I hope you enjoy!



Bulkhead hums as he looks down at the bag of energon goodies he bought to share with Bumblebee. He had been trying to keep his little buddy happy due to a little slip up the bug had done yesterday caused Wasp, Ironhide and The Lamborghini Twins to jump him in the showers. He knew the looks on his little buddys face. He'd seen them before on his carrier and sires faces when his brother ran away to join the cons.

Sighing softly Bulkhead turns a corner only to see Sentinel at the end of the hall chewing out Bumblebee. The little yellow bot just looked up at the sarge with dull baby blues and a stiff posture. From where Bulkhead was he couldn't hear the conversation that was going on between the two but he could see that his little buddy was shaking so hard that he knew his plating was rattling. Glaring at Sentinel, Bulkhead decided it was time for another "wrecking ball malfunction".

Moving forward he stilled when he saw Wasp, Ironhide and the twins push Bumblebee down. Watching the group with wide optics he watches as Wasp immediately starts kicking at the downed mini, Ironhide getting to a knee to punch Bumblebee in the face. The Lambo twins get to their knees and start punching Bumblebee as hard as they could.

Bulkhead vaguely became aware that Longarm was trying to get through to get to the baracks but then the grey bot went quiet when he saw what was happening as well. The big green bot watched as Bumblebee was kicked, punched and...stabbed until the little bot let out a pained cry when Sunstreaker pulled out the dagger from his shoulder then slammed it into his back.

An angered growl escaped Bulkhead and Longarms vocalizers as the duo ran towards the startled bots. Yelling in blind rage they rush the bots but the group narrowly dodge a punch from one of Longarms fully extended arms as they transformed and drove away. The duo go to follow the bots but Bumblebees pained whimpers stop them both.

Rushing to the downed mech Bulkhead took great care in picking up the damaged bot. Longarm immediately pulled a clean cloth from his subspace as he gripped the handle to the dagger in Bumblebee's back protoform. "This is gonna hurt little bee." Longarm whispered as he put the cloth in Bumblebees mouth.

The scream that came from the bug sent shivers through both mechs when Longarm gave it a firm tug. Bulkhead tearfully held onto the bugs small twitching and shaking servos in one of his huge ones. Tears rolled down Bumblebees faceplates as he looked up at Bulkhead with pleading optics. The big green mech pulled his false jaw off so he could nuzzle the younger mech as big fat tears ran down his face.

"I-It's stuck! I can't get it out!" Longarm suddenly spoke up tearfully.

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