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[requested by: KawaiiCutieCorn ]

Ok 100% honest opinion,,,I ship this

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Ok 100% honest opinion,,,
I ship this.
But I also think Will deserves better.
Cuz I dislike Mike so much.
But that's for another chapter.

This chapter might be a little long because in order to give my opinion, I have to do a deep dive into my brain.

So, generally, I think it would be cute if Will was gay. But I also think it would be weird if they made him gay, considering how they portray his character.

Will is a soft guy. He loves his friends to death and he was greatly traumatized, so he wants to say young forever and continue to hang out and play games. He's small, shy, slightly awkward, loves rainbows, loves art, and is overall just a ball of adorable emotion.
Going by all of this, lots would say he's gay. But I think it would be kinda shitty to make him gay ?

If Will ends up being gay in the show, then that's great and fine and I'll support 1,000%. But I also think that it's a major stereotype to make the soft, emotional, rainbow loving kid, gay. It's just a bit shallow ?

Mike, on the other hand? I think it would be fabulous to make him gay or bisexual.

Mike is also emotional and caring, but not in a very outward way. And not to mention, he had this big childhood romance with a girl. But at the end of season three, he seemed a bit less fond of her ?? Like he almost seemed like he didn't want to be romantic with her anymore. And I'm not the only one who noticed this.

I'm already rambling so let me move on lmao

All in all, I don't think it matters whether they're gay or not. It would be awesome if one of them was, since it's likely one would be anyway, but it's not that big of a deal. They're still young and they have so much life to live, this does not need to be settled right now.

I ship Byler for the soul fact that they are so close. And if they keep it platonic, I'll be fine with it, but I've never seen them as a platonic duo. From season one, you could tell their relationship was more than a simple friendship. People like Dustin and Lucas are regular friendships. They mess around and they hang out and shit, but nothing ever gets too heavy. Whereas Mike and Will are constantly sharing moments, always way too emotional with each other, and they care about each other in a way that's hard to even explain.

In season three, during the first like thirty minutes, the kids go to a movie. And when Mike asks Will what's wrong, the way they look at each other is just so much more than friendship. Again, even if they're just INCREDIBLY close and not romantically involved, there's still something there. They still obviously care for each other on a deeper level than just plain old friendship.

And in my opinion, Mike seems more likely to be the struggling gay/bi. It would make for a better storyline🤷🏻‍♀️

I went into far too much detail but oh well

The last thing I'll say is that people need to calm down about the shipping wars in this fandom.
If Byler happens(which is probably never gonna happen), then that's fine. If it doesn't, then oh well. That's real life and it wouldn't be bad story writing or lack of representation.

Then, if Mileven stays together, that's also ok. Because even I(who hates Mileven) can see why they are together.

This is just a show.
They're just characters.
If someone ships something different from you, then accept it and move on.
My ships have no effect on your personal life so get over it and move on.
Please and thank you.


More topics y'all🥺

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