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[funny gif but this is a serious chapter][more of a rant than an opinion, let me live]

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[funny gif but this is a serious chapter]
[more of a rant than an opinion, let me live]

More specifically: hate towards writing on Wattpad.
(Hate itself is too broad lol)

Ok, let me explain further.

I am talking about the hate one receives for the quality of their writing.
I see people hate on others, even if in secret, for that.
It angers me to no end.

I've read some less-than-amazing fanfics in my life, I have.
It's no secret that some people aren't amazing at writing,
or their storyline is cringey as all hell.
This is all true!
But I don't hate on them for it.
Or think they should stop writing.

I used to be fucking AWFUL at writing.
Absolutely terrible.
And now I'm decent(?)!
Writing isn't usually something you're born with, unless you're lucky like Stephen King or something.
And even if you have the mind for writing(like me), that doesn't always mean you're good at actually writing a story.
Whether it be grammar, spelling, or just getting your thoughts out clearly, it's hard!
Very hard!
It took me FOUR YEARS of continuous writing to get to a Wake Up, Mike writing level, and that wasn't even very good!

Writing is so hard, and anyone that thinks it isn't needs a reality check.
I understand that some people may think it's easy because it's easy for them, but that's not the case for most people.
I struggle day in and day out with writing.
It's never going to be something that I can just sit down and do.
It's always going to be something that takes time and thought and perseverance.
And I have a feeling that's how it is for a lot of you.

Now, on the flip side of things(like I mentioned earlier), there's the people that don't really have either. At least not right away.
They don't have the full skills of writing(grammar, explaining thoroughly, etc.)
but they also don't have the amazing writer's mind.
But they still try.
And they still write a story.
They celebrate when they reach 500 reads and they're grateful.
Anyone who hates on these people for their lack of skill?
Fuck you.
Who are you to call yourself better?
Who are you to belittle this person's hard work?

I don't care if the book is fucking awful and makes no sense and is just plain painful to read,
They put in hard work and dedication and more times than not, their heart and soul.
No matter the quality, someone is behind those words and loving what they're doing.
They're proud of what they're doing.

It hurts me so much to see people post something and seem so proud, only to get laughed at.
Really, guys, think about it before you post shit.
There really IS someone behind that screen.
That story wasn't written by a robot, and it definitely didn't appear out of thin air.

I won't continue to rant, but seriously.
Take all this into consideration before you make fun of someones hard work.
They love what they've created.
Please don't crush that.

And just as a final statement:
As I said earlier, I've read some pretty cringey stories. I've read stuff that makes me want to curl in on myself with all the grammar mistakes. Cry from all the plot holes.
But they still manage to pull me in, and I can never stop reading them.
I couldn't tell you why.
I guess I'm just hyper aware of the fact that writing is writing and stories are stories, no matter how "bad" they may seem.

So next time you come into contact with a story that makes you cringe and laugh, give it a chance.
You might just love it.

ps. If you're a writer that's ever experienced hate or belittlement, don't let that stop you.
Keep writing.
Get better.
And prove everyone wrong.


Yo no one gives me topics anymore
How rude

𝗣𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 ♕ unpopular opinionsWhere stories live. Discover now