Not About Me

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*Some swearing in this one...

No one gives a shit
Not about me
If he's mad, change your plans
If she's mad, double your efforts
If I'm mad, well how would you know?

So I'm 'cared for' and 'loved'
'Valued' and 'important'
More like forgotten and last
Unneeded and emotionless

Where do you get this impression
That I never care?
Because you all have it, each and every one
Maybe I hate to cry
Choose to bottle it all inside

But just because I play a poker face
Doesn't mean I'm made of stone

And maybe I'm upset and maybe I'm mad
And maybe I'm lost and maybe I'm hurt

But that's not why I'm speaking
Not why I'm writing now
No, I'm telling you because it's true-
No one gives a shit 
Not about me

Fracture: Vol. #10Where stories live. Discover now