6: Death

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Lucifer just tried to kill me! I was having a mini melt down inside of myself.
"Are you ok." the dark cloaked figure asked me. His voice was extremely deep. His raven, black wings flapped behind him impatiently, waiting for me to stop screaming. I tried my best to look for his face, but his hood was like a never ending black hole. I couldn't see a thing. This creeped me out even more, making me take another deep lungful of air. I was preparing to let out another powerful scream.
His soft, warm hand came down over my mouth. Waves of comfort shot through my body. I magically stopped screaming. "There, that's better." he says in a pleased voice. "She's got a good pair of lungs. I bet she has a voice of an angel when she sings." Lucifer says in a joking tone. The hooded figure stands up in smooth movements. He seemed to stretch longer in height; towering over Lucifer. "You could have killed her!" He growls out.
"No I merely wanted to see her fly." he says matter of fact like.
"She doesn't have wings you ass!" He screams at him.
"Oh, stop your whining. If she died, which I highly doubt she would, you would get her soul to keep. You could do what ever your dark and twisted heart desired to it."
They were too distracted from their intense arguing that I decided that this was where I should get up and leave.
No one would know... "Where do you think your going?" A deep voice says in my ear. I whip around, feeling like a child being caught doing something bad. The hooded figure was now in front of me. He was so close I could feel his warm, peppermint breath on my face. "I was just going to the bathroom." I lied. I almost palmed my forehead. The bathroom, is that all you could give me?! I scold my good-for-nothing brain.
"Seriously, the bathroom?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Hey, if m-my bladder has to go, it has to g-go. If not it just gets m-messy." I stutter. Gosh freack'n darn-it, I really need to stop doing that!

"Oh really." he didn't sound convinced at all. I wouldn't believe myself either if I was him.
"Y-yep, it'll just come out like a yellow w-waterfall." I add. Could I sound more stupid!

A waterfall!

"That's disgusting." Lucifer says from behind the hooded mystery man.
"It's hysterical!" The hooded figure says while throwing his head back, laughing.
He was laughing at me?
I flushed with embarrassment.
"It's not funny." I grumble.
I suddenly really needed to go pee. "Oh this is just great!" The hooded figure drops down to my knees. Clutching his stomach as his body shook with laughter.
"Well, now that I see your in a good mood I'll be on my way." Lucifer says making his way over the ledge. The tall figure springs up. "Oh, no you don't old man! Get back..." Lucifer leaps off the building before he could finish his sentence.
I scream.
I was doing a lot of screaming lately. I stop and blush when I remember Devlin's office. I probably sounded like a banshee in there. I push those dark thoughts away.
I rush over to the railing where the hooded figure stood. I strained my eyes to see the bottom of the pavement for a splattered, bloody mess. There was nothing. Not even a broken gold cane.
It was like he just got up and walked away.
I slowly turn my attention to the dark figure who was still looking down, searching. He curses in a different language. Long skeleton fingers wrap around the railing tightly. I felt like my eye balls would pop out of my head.
That meant that his whole body must be just bones!
What if he is some kind of voodoo witch doctor, like the ones in New Orleans.
"D-don't hurt m-me." I say in a weak whisper.
His hooded face turns to look at me. I still couldn't see his face. Something told me that I didn't want to.
"Now why would I do that? I just saved your life." he says while making his way over to me. It was like he glided over the floor. I backed away from him. when I take my next step backwards, my foot hits air.
He snatches me back by the waist. Swiftly pulling me away from the pool, before I could fall in it.
He makes a disapproving clicking noise with his hidden mouth. Or at least I think it was his mouth...
"Two times in a row Mrs. Knight. Your really clumsy for a girl." He says in a teasing tone.
I got the sudden feeling of déjà vu all over again from his words. He sounded so familiar. So annoying. So...so... Devlin.
"W-w-w-who," I take a deep calming breath before I spoke. A technique I used to control my nervous stutter. I open my mouth to speak again, "Who are you?" I asked. Fear griped onto my body like the chokehold. My heart was beating so loud in my chest, I was afraid he would hear it.
He steps back, giving us space.
With a snap of his skeleton fingers, a long slender scythe appears out of thin air. The blade was so sharp and skinny, it looked like it could cut someone with just one look. It reflected the moonlights glow and blinded me for a second. He does a few tricks by flipping it around his body and over his head. Then brings it down with a gust of wind. The blade was inches away from my face.
"Take a wild guess." He sounded like he was smiling under that hood.
"Your the g-g-g-grim r-r-r-re...." My stutter was going out of control.
"Come on, spit it out." he says while lazily, while leaning on his scythe.
"Grim Reaper!" I shout.
"Boo!" He says with a chuckle.
Run! My brain instructs my body. My legs gladly obey the command.
I took off past him. I didn't know where I was going, all I know was that I had to get far, far away from him.
I still had my life ahead of me. He was not getting my soul. Nope, not today death!
Thick, black smoke swirled around my feet. I couldn't move my legs. They were frozen in place. Skeleton hands replace the smoke. They tightly warped around my ankles. "Don't run away from me, you'll just make yourself look like a fool." he says in a dark, demonic tone. His body seemed to fold up in full hight. Making me look small under his height.
"W-what do you want with me?" I asked in a horsed whisper. I really needed to pee.
"All I want is your safety." he says while cocking his head slightly to the side.
"Don't you take l-lives?" I said while shifting my weight to one leg then back to the other. Not being able to see his face irked my nerves.
"Yes, but for you... I can bend the rules." his voice was seductive, and smooth as velvet. His scythe had magically disappeared, so that he could warp his boney arms around me. He toward over me like a skyscraper. His warm breath tickled my nose. Slowly, he leans in real close. My head was almost completely inside his hood.
I couldn't move.
I was like a frozen statue in his grip.
"Did you know that death once had a bride?" He whispers.
I slowly shack my head no.
He leans closer, warm flesh brushes across my nose. He slides down and hovers just above my lips.
"She died many years ago, giving her soul up to save the angel of death from the devil. Some say that her love was so powerful, that she took the form of a spirit. That spirit was born into the soul of a pure, half born angel. Legend says that whenever Death, meaning me, is near this half angel; his eyes glow a strange white color. Because he can sense that her soul is near." Suddenly two dim lights where his eyes should be, begin to glow.
"Josette." he sighs out in relief. Warm lips collide with my quivering ones.
Josette must be his brides name. He must have me confused. I'm no half angel.
A sudden pull in my gut had me wrap my arms around his neck. I had to stand on my tiptoes for my short arms to reach him.
I pull away, breathless. My heart sounded like thundering, stomping hooves of a horse. Actually that wasn't my heart at all. There was a loud horse neigh, followed by more stomps. Cold breath blows on my from behind me. I turn around and see a beautiful black horse. It's black coat glistened under the moons glow. How the hell did a horse get up here!
"Meet Aboleri, which means decay in Latin." Death tells me.
Oh-Kay that's a lovely name...
The horse seemed to bow down.
"She wants you to pet her." He whispers in my ear.
My fingers twitch to reach out and run my fingers through her long, jet black mane. I was to scared. With a name that means decay, I'm thinking that my hand will burst into flames, and start to decay right before my eyes. I'm mean this is death's horse! Anything was possible.
"Go on, nothing bad is going to happen." he says teasingly.
I still didn't reach out to touch her. He sighs annoyed from behind me. Warm hands grab mine and place it in Aboleri's coat.
I gasp from two things.
One, Aboleri was so soft it was like touching a teddy bear.
And two, Death had an actual flesh covered hand.
"See, that wasn't so bad," he says softly, "Aboleri is a good girl, puella." he coos that last word out in sweet Latin.
Aboleri seemed to understand his words as she pushes off the ground and balances on her hind legs. Letting out a loud and proud cry of joy. I scramble away, but Death held his ground.
When she settles back down, he whispers in her twitching ear.
Once he was finished, she let's out a loud neigh then vanishes into black smoke.
Death warps his arms around me. I jump back, startled. How did he do that? One second he was in front of me, next he's behind me again.
"Can I keep you?" He asked in a small whisper. I was tongue tied. How could I answer his question without being rude. I mean he could take my life in the blink of an eye if I said no. But then there was something else wanting to say yes. Images of Devlin fill my cloudy head. He is strictly your boss and that was a one time thing. Yet that didn't explain the dream, nor the hickey. How could he have possibly known about my dream to make me say that I wanted him.
I needed to do do something first, before I made my decision.
I slowly turn around and lean forward to kiss him. I prayed that my mouth would come in contact with fleshy lips. I was satisfied when they did. He responded exactly the way I wanted him too, as he tilted his head down to an angel.
My arms nervously wrap around his neck. I was right there. All I had to do was...
Driven by curiosity and a little bit of courage, I yanked back his hood with all my might. I could feel the fabric of the hood fall back.

He quickly twirls me around so I couldn't face him. He moved me so fast, the world seemed to continue to spin when I was still.
"No, you can't see me, only until you make up your mind." He says in my ear. I tried to strain to see him in the waters reflection, but the hood had magically returned. Completely covering his face.
"What if I don't like the true you?" I asked.

He lightly kisses me on my neck. It burned from his soft butterfly kiss. "You will." He says.
I felt his body heat vanish. I turn around and catch a glimpse of black smoke fade away where he once was.

I touch my neck where he kissed me. It was beginning to sting. I rush inside to the bathroom. I suddenly had to pee again.
After I flush and wash my hands, something black catches my eye.
I pull back my shirt and almost fainted from utter shock.

On the same spot where the hickey was. Right on the spot where both Devlin and The Angel of Death kissed me. Bold, black inky swirls of a some kind of tattoo art was etched onto my skin.
I frantically tried to scrub it off, but it didn't go away.
I slowly walk out of the bathroom and head dive into my bed.
I just need to sleep this nightmare away.

Him book 1 {completed}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें