15: Live a Little

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(Song: Party Girls by Ludacris Remix)


Two months has passed sense my mothers death.

I'm a complete mess.
I quit my job.
I isolated myself from the world.
It's been weeks sense I last spoke to Devlin.

Ashton and I live together in my outrageously big apartment. She came to comfort me for my loss.
We usually stayed home with a bucket of Cold stone ice cream. Crying our eyes out, watching sad movies like the Green mile, or Forrest Gump.

The only reason I stayed in this building, is because Devlin wouldn't let me leave. He said that if I left, he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on me.

He even pulled the o'l guilt trip on me.
"I promised your mother." he said.

After he spoke those words to me, I was never the same.
I drank.
And when I say I drank, I mean I drank a lot.
I can't remember a moment I was actually sober.
Ashton moved in with me after her and her husband got a divorce about a week ago.
He cheated on her and ended up getting aids.
I could smell the disease on him like a blood hound.

That day my mother died, I went over to Ashton's house and cried like a baby. When Sam walked in, I could see his aura. It was tainted with darkness. When he too, came to hug me for comfort, I saw flashes of images of him sleeping around with the people at his job.

All those late night overtime, was him getting a late night override.

I told Ashton about him sleeping around. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing to her. I healed her so that the aids wouldn't try to destroy her body.
But her baby... Not so much.
It never even got a chance to have it's first breath.

Devlin knew about that too. That's why he was looking at her strangely at the hospital.

It was just a horrible year for the both of us.

I was sprawled over the couch with a half empty carmel flavored, cold stone bucket.
Jenny was just about to tell Forrest that she loved him, when suddenly, the screen goes black.

Something black smacks me in the face.

"Hey!" I scream annoyed, as I pry the soft fabric off my face.

Ashton was standing in front of me, warped in a towel. Her strawberry blonde hair, was freshly washed and combed up into a messy bun. "Come on let's go dancing! We can't stay inside for the rest of our lives. Our young bodies crave the adventures of the fun life. It's been like a year sense I've had a mans hands on me." She says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"It's been two months, not a year." I say with a burp.
My head was killing me from my hang over. The good part about being a half angel; this headache would last me about three minutes or less.
I haven't told Ashton about me being an angel. Devlin told me that humans can't see our wings unless we allow them too. So I didn't have to worry about trying to hide these massive feathery fluffs from her.

"Well it feels like centuries!" She throws her hands up in the air.
"We are both going out. Pulse you need a major soak in the tub. I hate to tell you this Rah-rah, but you stink." she wrinkles up her nose.

I throw a pillow at her and she easily dodges it. Her laughter filled the air with light.
I found a small smile creep onto my face.
I lift me armpit up to sniff myself and regretted it.
"Your right, I think it's time that we do live a little. I'm going to start by taking a hot bubble bath."

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