18: Layla-Fia

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(Song: Mess is mine cover by Sara Ljung)


"This is all your fault! You should have used a damn condom!" I scream, as another wave of contractions hit me.

Devlin held my hand firmly in his, no matter how assaulting my words were.

"Get this fücking baby out of me!"

"Okay Mrs. Steele your crowning. You can push." My doctor said.

"Okay breath baby. In out, in out, in out." Devlin tells me.

"What the hell do you think I've been doing this past hour! I know how to fucking breath!" I snap.

The doctor jumped back at my voice.

It almost scared me too.

It sound deep and low. Almost like the demonic sounding tone Devlin sometimes uses when he's angry.
He quickly shuts up, but I could see the smirk on his face, as he tried to hide his laughter from my little outburst.

"Now push." The doctor orders.

I screamed as I put all my strength into that push.

I relaxed when I heard a piercing cry.

"It's a healthy, baby girl." the nurse exclaimed. She took her to clean her up.

The first thing I noticed, when she was placed in my arms, was her eyes.

"She has your eyes." I whisper.

She looked at me quietly.

She didn't make one sound as she stared at me.

"She's beautiful, just like her mother." Devlin says.

And she was.
Her beauty was astonishing.

With bright blue eyes and a head full of dark, hazelnut hair. She had rose colored lips and cheeks. Her soft skin was the color of creamy soy milk.

She closed her soft violet colored, eyelids as she yawned. Her tiny mouth made a cute shape O.
In every way she looked like her father, but favored me as well.

"Let me." Devlin says, holding out his arms.

He walked around the room with her in his arms. Rocking her to sleep, cooing to her in what I assume was Latin.

"What's her name?" The nurse asked me.

"Layla-Fia Caroline Steele." I tell her.

"Layla-Fia, what an odd name." She repeats.

"It means dark beauty and dark peace." I say while watching my husband place a soft kiss on Layla's forehead.

The nurse and doctor left the room, leaving us alone.

It was in this moment that I knew what Josette meant by giving him something that she could never give him.

She meant a family of his own.

I felt a rush of air blow on my face.

A women with long brown hair with matching, pale blue eyes, appeared in the room. She stood at the end of my bed.

She similes as she nods her head at me.

I quickly look at Devlin. He was oblivious to what was happening right now.

She held her finger to her lips, signaling me to be quite. A soft breeze blew her away and she was gone.

I felt a part of me being torn in half. It was like I lost a missing half of myself.

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