8: Welcome to Cali

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(Song: Going to California by Led Zeppelin)

"So tell me again how you two first met." The talk show host Holly Hills asked Devlin and I.
We were the talk of Hollywood now a days.

Going back, when me and Devlin were at the airport. We passed by a magazine and bookstore. I saw a glimpse of me on the cover of a magazine.
The title read in Big bold letters Mysterious lady friend of Mr. Steele.
Other captions read in smaller font,
Mystery girl.
Lover or friend?
Who does Young Mr. Steel have the HOTTS for? The cover was a collage of photos of us. Me coming out of his office with my hair in a mess. A few snaps of me walking into the building of my penthouse. Me driving to NYU in a shiny red car. Even pictures of us when we first meet in front of Starbucks. Devlin held a calm face, while I looked shocked from spilling my drink on him. I laughed at the memory.

Devlin pulled me away from the store. A young teen girl reading that magazine looked up and saw us. She flipped to the front page and kept looking back and forth between the cover and back at us in disbelief.
The flight to California was long and a little scary. I was petrified of flying. I liked it better when my feet were standing on something firm and sturdy. Like a building or a mountain. But planes gave me the willies.
I had the window seat and I pulled the blinds down. I took a deep breath. It was just 5 hours and 20 minutes from New York to California. I can do this.
Devlin yanks me to his lap almost making me scream.
He wraps his arm around me. He startles me by pulling my hand to his lips. "You'll be fine, just go to sleep little catulus."
I found me eyes slowly closing and the next moment I was K.O.
When I woke up we had arrived at our destination. I felt refreshed and new as I stretched in my seat.

Time fast forwards back to reality. Holly Hills had bleached blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Her tan was extremely over done. But her makeup was well put on. Ashton and I would watch her talk shows all the time after school. We did it to keep up with the hot celebrities and new faces. Ashton is probably going to flip when she sees me starring in the show we use to eat, sleep, and breathed as teenagers.

I was in a yellow sundress that flared out at the sides. It made my carmel brown complexion, look golden. The makeup people dabbed at my face and made my pale blue eyes stand out dramatically. Devlin came out of the dressing room looking like a million bucks. He was in a deep navy blue suit with a pale purple tie. Brown dress shoes were on his feet.

Me and Devlin went over our fake story about a hundred times.
I began to recite it for Holly, but Devlin spoke at the same time as me.
I blush from embarrassment and Devlin flashes his sweet smile.
"Aren't they just as cute as a button!" Holly squeals. The crowd says awe in unison. "Go on catulus, you can tell them." Devlin says. I take a deep breath as I look into the waiting audience.
Bright lights blinded me. My stomach begin to bubble and lurch.
Suddenly my mouth began to move without me knowing. "It was a clear sunny morning. I was out jogging around Central Park. I was taking a break when someone slammed into me. I was a little dazed from the fall. When my head had cleared I saw Devlin. He was panicked because I had a bad scar on my arm. I tried to tell him I was fine but I was a bloody mess. He drove me to the nearest health care center. He stayed by my side the whole time until they told us that nothing was broken, just a few scratches. Ever sense that day he has been purposely bumping into me."

"Yeah so I could talk to you." Devlin adds with a chuckle.
"That is so cute!" Holly says.
"Yep, and ever sense that day we have been dating for five months now." Devlin said while taking my hand in his. The crowd ate up our lovey-dovey story, as they clapped loudly.
My stomach started to act up again. It was strange how I didn't stutter when I spoke.
"Well there you have it folks. The inside scoop about Korra Knight, the Mystery Girl. Join me next time as we have two special guest stars, Arianna Grande and Big Sean. I'm Holly Hills and your watching the Holly Hollywood Show!"
A loud buzzer went off signaling that we were off air. The audience came out of the stands and were directed off by the security.
"You guys were amazing!" Holly says in a loud voice. She had a very loud announcer voice. Even when she spoke normal. It was getting a little annoying.
"Thank you." Devlin says getting up to shack her hand. "No, no, thank you for coming all the way out here." she says while giving him a school girl giggle. I squint my eyes at her. Was she flirting with him?
She was!
They're voices fade away as I zoomed in on her actions like a hawk.
Holly nervously messes with her outfit, which was revealing a little to much of her breast. She blushes then twirls her artificial, dyed blond, hair around her finger. I was ready to take her down and snatch her eyeballs out. Pulse she was like 50 something. Devlin was in his early 20's. Everything that looked young on her is all plastic surgery. Her butts not even real!

"Korra?" Devlin's deep voce brings me out of my trance.
"Huh?" I asked stupidly.
"I asked are you ready to go?" He said with an amused grin on his face. Holly was gone. Good riddance.
"Old cougar." I grumble to myself.
"What's that?" Devlin asked.
"Uh--nothing, I said I'm r-ready." I Said.

A loud scream breaks out from behind the set. I rush to see what was wrong, while Devlin takes his time to the screams.
Holly was laying on the ground, with a half eaten cookie in her hand. A backstage man rushes to her side to check for a pulse. "She's dead." he says in disbelief. Her skin was weird looking. Black and green veins covered her body. Her eyes were wide open and white.
My stomach took this time to make me sick.
I rush over to the salad bowl and spit up my lunch.


"I'm fine Devlin." I say for the hundredth time. He paced back in forth at the foot of the hospital bed. "Are you sure it was just her nerves?" He asked the doctor. "I'm positive. Our readings say that it was nothing major. Some people do throw up when they're extremely nervous. It's when the mind and gut send signals to one another, and that has a an affect on her digestive system. But to be safe I'm going to put her on some medication. And we can see how it goes from there."
Dr. Potter gave me my medication and I was signed out.

The limo drive to the hotel was silent. I couldn't get the image of Holly out of my head. It was strange how I was just talking to her not to long ago. Now she's dead. The ambulance can't make out her death. They want to say it was her high blood pressure, but her blood pressure was fine. Devlin sat in the car with a blank expression. His eyes looked almost brighter now.
Thoughts about what the man in black told me came flooding back. About his eyes glowing when he was near his lost loves spirit.

"Devlin." I say in a small voice.
"Hmm?" He says while turning his attention away from the window. "Why do want me so bad?"
he looks at me confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb. Your him aren't you?"
"Catulus, what are you talking about?"
"Stop calling me that, what dose that even mean!?" I burst out.
"It means Kitten in Latin and I think your meds are making you crazy. Let me have a look at your prescription."

I snatch the bag back away from him. "Not until you say your weren't at my house that night your father was there. Telling me I was some kind of angel."
He sighs deeply, "I wasn't there, are you happy? Now let me see the bag!" His eyes glowed brighter.

"I don't believe you!" I scream.
"Korra calm down." he says in a soothing voice.
"No!" I shout. My body was beginning to tingle with energy. Devlin reaches for the bag just at the moment I grab his wrist.
"Show yourself!" I shout out.
A blast of white light escapes from my fingers.
The light was so bright I had to release Devlin to shield my eyes. The limo driver swivels off the road. Loud horns blare at us from all around.
I slowly uncover my eyes and almost peed my pants at what I saw.

(Sorry this chapter is short but I just wanted to add two stories today bc I Felt like it... I'm jk I had nothing better to do all day...I have no life😪 but vote comment and all that other good stuff!)


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