Trixie. Trixie Mattel.

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Another short chapter. I'm sorry
Class with Mrs.O'hara was horrible. She kept snapping at students and as soon as the bell rang I raced out of the classroom. Adore was standing by my locker

"Hey what's up?"

"You wanna hangout?"

"Uh I can't. Mrs.Mattel is tutoring me in math"

"Text me later?"

"Yes, of course"

I grabbed my math binder and headed to Mrs.Mattels room. She was sitting at her desk and she had taken off her blazer and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt. She was on her phone. My phone buzzed 'TrixieMattel just made a post' I opened the notification and the post was a pic of her just like she was now with a caption that said
'first day done and I'm already over it'

"I don't think I'll be able to go a whole school year with Mrs.O'hara as a teacher"

"You'll live"

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her at her desk and opened my binder.

"Alright. So I think we should go over the worksheets we did in class today so that I can see where you are at"

"How long is that gonna take?"

"The more you focus and pay attention the faster it will go"

"Mm hmm alright"

My eyes wandered to her chest. She grabbed my chin and tilted my head to my paper

"Okay let's get started"

An hour passed and we had finished the math fifteen minutes ago. I still didn't understand any of it but I didn't mind the idea of getting one on one time with Mrs.Mattel everyday.

"Maybe we can organize a meeting with your parents to check them in on what we are doing at school"

"Uhhhh I don't live with my parents. My parents are in Russia. I live with my best friend and her girlfriend"

"So that's why your accent is so thick huh? is she a legal guardian?"

"Uhm not actually but it would be great if you didn't tell anyone. I can't go back to Russia.  I literally could be killed for being gay. And if I weren't killed then I'd have to live a long miserable life"

"Don't worry"

I smiled widely

"Alright I'm sure you wanna get home. And I wanna go home too"

"I'll see you tomorrow Barbie"

"its Have a good night"

I left the class and got everything I needed from my locker before walking home. As soon as I walked through the door of the house Sharon and Alaska started asking every question possible

"How was your first day? Any hot girls? Do you like your classes?"

"Calm the fuck down. Go sit"

Sharon and Alaska both went and sat down in the living room I joined behind them

"Holy fuck my math and art teacher is hot. And I've already made a friend"

"Katya not another teacher" Sharon shook her head

"Ugh you don't understand. She is the sexiest woman I've ever seen. She is fucking gorgeous and really just ugh" I rubbed my temples and flopped onto the couch face first. "I don't know what to do" I mumbled into the couch

"Okay now I wanna hear more. You haven't been like this since Tatianna"

"We don't bring up tatianna anymore I thought we agreed on that? This teacher is so good. She drove to her studio at lunch just to get me a canvas and she got me nice paint brushes. And when she caught me smoking she didn't say a word to anyone."

"Alright. Katya she is your teacher. You got Chachki fired and yourself expelled the last time." Sharon acted like me and Alaska's mother sometimes and it honestly was helpful

"But. I just gotta at least kiss her. There is no way in hell im going to go the whole school year with out trying something"

"What's her name?" Alaska quickly spoke up as if realizing something

"Trixie. Trixie Mattel"

"Oh my god! Really?" Alaska jumped up from her seat

"Yea? Why?"

"I know her. We did a few modelling gigs together. She has a reputation" Alaska wiggled her brows at me

Sharon glared at Alaska and Alaska just shrugged her shoulders. This teacher will be the death of me and I know it.

Why did I always have to get crushes on people I can't have.

"Alright I'm gonna go have a shower"

"Yea have fun" Sharon called out

I went down to the basement that I had to myself and started the shower. I quickly grabbed a towel and got undressed. The warm water felt so nice against my skin but I turned it cold to wake me up and allow myself to think. I put my short hair into French braids so that my hair would be wavy tomorrow. I got into bed and decided I was going to ride Sharon's motorbike to school tomorrow.

It was only seven o'clock, so I put on a movie and scrolled through Instagram until I ended up falling asleep.
i'm alive! lmao sorry i dropped off the edge of the earth for a long ass time but i'm kind of back.

When I kissed the teacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora