Trouble and how to be in it.

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10 easy steps for young magic users to lose there powers.

[Warning excessive use of sarcasm]

Step 1: Open the only door in the intire dimension you're not supposed to even acknowledge. Don't forget to give this some arrogant flair.

Step 2: Walk inside the forbidden room that you've been warned, since early childhood infact, to avoid. Who really believes that whole "curiousity killed the cat" nonsense? Just another old wives tale right.

Step 3: Use your magic to light the room and then continue to walk further into the room. Never forget to bring along your book of forbidden enchantments, it might just come in handy.

Step 4: Look around and find the most dangerous thing you'rd not allowed to touch and, you guessed it, touch it. In fact, don't just touch it; hold it, fiddle with it, throw it and (please) catch it. You know what drop it a bit of you like, nothing like a nice big crack on a orb of immense power.

Step 5: When that object starts singing and/or glowing just pick it up and place it back where you found it. Nobody will notice, right? Even if a cloud of dark energy start seeping from that big crack just leave it and move on. Move on to the second most dangerous object. Just have fun with this.

Step 6: If the second object is not to your liking just fling it over your shoulder. You could even use it as target practise for the next fire-ball game.

Step 7: Move on to the next object that strikes your fancy. This will obviously be the one that's wired with an alarm. You'll probably start to play with it and barely flinch as the alarm goes off.

Step 8: When the council's inforcers show up (finally) resist as much as possible. If they have to physically drag you out of the room; don't show submission. You should kick, scream and bite as much as you see fit.

Step 9: Infront of the court of enchantment misuse all you need to do is deny... everything. When they threaten you jist blame somebody else.

Step 10: During your punishment, which is most likely to be mortal school, use magic. Use your magic openly and when they take all your powers away; take it in-stride because you've been asking for it!

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