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Swirls of darkness like oil, thick and dark. Spilt ink washed over my vision. It was cold. The air was an icy embrace. My breath escaped in puffs like dragon fire. The noise was deafening against the stark quiet.

Noiseless streets stretching like cold dead fingers, for miles. Empty road, seemingly endless. Every few moments I would watch as my feet carried me that much farther through the abandoned, desolate town. I was to make certain that the soft, dull patter of footsteps were indeed my own. To be sure that I was indeed alone.

I became lost in my motions. It took only a second for my steps to falter. It was then, in my state of heightened awareness, that I smelt the stench. A foul odour; thick and ghastly, it penetrated my senses. Thoughts of creatures; vile and grotesque, violated my mind. Against my better judgement, I stopped, the blinding light from the harvest moon was shadowed by dark, malevolent clouds. Faint starlight was all that could guide me. Guide me away from the stench. Guide me away from the vile creatures of the night. Away from the approaching footsteps.

I strained my ears, focusing on the sound of rapid movement. Those were definitely footsteps. Many footsteps. It was as if a hoard of creatures were gaining on my position. A monstrous stampede.

I looked over my shoulder, peering into the darkness. The void loomed with sinister shadows but I could see no approaching danger. The ground then began to shake, rumbling as if angered, roaring as if enraged. Turning on my heels, I began to race further up the path.

Puffs of white streaming from my mouth. Panting and gasping for air as I attempted my allusion of the unseen danger. It felt as though with every forward leap, it was nearer. Soon it was as if invisible hands, claws, talons, were reaching out to grab me. Hot, putrid breath on my neck. Rancid smells of rot and decay.

Heart pounding against my ribs, feet pounding rhythmically against the cold, lifeless ground. It was mere moments before my legs would give in, the unending road drawing out the chase, when the moonlight once again lit my path. An open door, rickety and old, but sturdy enough to keep the demons at bay. I made a break for it, using up all that was left of my energy stores.

Once the iron door was sufficiently sealed I took a shaky breath, releasing it slowly.My legs were numb, practically screaming in agony, as they wobbled like jelly. Descending to the dusty floor, a stray tear fell steadily down my cheek. Soon my face was wet with tears. Silent wails and trembling shoulders. Howling and shrieking reverberated against the wall. Terrifying visions scratched and scraped violently against the exterior. They sounded angry, furious, as if they'd been cheated. Cheated of something rightfully theirs. Cheated of my soul.

Depraved beasts of living smoke, battering against the stained glass of the window. Faded roses and lilies heaving under the pressure. I sat with bated breath, praying the glass would not break, would not shatter, would not crack. Unearthly voices screaming in protest, in anguish, as I sat on the grime-filled floor, mere meters away.

Faces, irate and outraged, pressed up against the glass. Gaping holes for eyes and mouths stretched to impossible lengths. Malice. Fury. They frightened me. My very should trembled at the thought of their bony touch their icy embrace. A loud crack sliced through the dead silence. My eyes widened in terror. My legs groaned in agony as I tenderly hoisted myself to my feet. More cracking. The wall began to buckle against the weight of the eager demons.

A sliver of moonlight broke through the black mass. It illuminated a door that lay well within my reach. I was at the threshold within seconds before the mold ridden wall crashed to the floor. Tar like liquid spilt from the maws of the horrid creatures. It washed over the floor like an oil spill. It was accompanied by the odour of rotten eggs and swill. A chorus of delighted squeals and roars like laughter rose through their massive form. A fear inducing cacophony of noise.

I wasted not a moment more and thus I sealed the next barrier. This time I would not lie in wait as the darkness encroached. I bolted forward into lightless room after lightless room, all the while suspecting, sensing my descent, It was only when I nearly toppled over that I noticed the increasing severity of the incline I had happened upon. However, I could not stop. Whether by momentum or dark forces, my feet moved as if possessed.

Further and further. Deeper into the gloom. The voices, the noises grew faint. The unrelenting darkness that surrounded me became thick and heavy. Cold wind replaced with air, hot and humid. My breath felt damp as if external moisture clung to my lungs. My clothes were drenched in sweat, it made it uncomfortable to move, to breathe.

Faint sounds; rhythmic thumping, soft and deep growls, began to seep from the walls, from the ceiling, from the floor. They coursed through my body, slithering into my ears like snakes. Poisonous. The sounds grew louder, the air grew feverish, and the darkness more solid.


Hello, darling reader, I hope you are enjoying these new stories. These stories were originally written for English essay projects at school, but now that I've written my English final I  sadly have no real need of these stories but I feel to proud of them and my progress (and believe me this is much better than what I used to write) that I felt I would want them immortalised on the interwebs. I do hope you enjoy these new chapters and there are surely more to come... as soon as I actually type them up.

Thank you for your being you.


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