Chapter 5-Behind The Mask

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Another chapter! Yay!


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Chapter 5-Behind the Mask

Carter couldn’t believe his eyes, as the timid nerd in front of him had walked away, after yelling her ass off to him.

For some strange reason, he found her angry stature underneath her timid façade quite sexy. Something about her made his heart thump faster.  She was so much more different than any girl he’d been across, and he couldn’t help but admire her sexy kitten like attitude.

But something still nudged at his mind. If she wasn’t S., why was she so pissed at him when he asked her?

Pulling his large lacrosse bag higher up his shoulder, he walked away, still thinking about that girl. He was clueless. This was the second time he’d seen her, and yet he still couldn’t believe he’d never seen this girl before.

And what was she doing with Ty? Maybe he liked her. The thought made him angry. ‘No,’ he thought, ‘I can’t be jealous for some loser like nerd,’ he scoffed mentally. Focusing back on S., he began thinking about how he could find her.

‘Maybe he could find this S. if he sent a letter himself’ He thought.

‘If I sent a letter with some made up issue, maybe she could tell me who she is!’

Eyes sparking with excitement, he raced home to put his plan into action.


Dear S-

So I’m a guy with a problem. There’s this girl I like, but she doesn’t know me. We’re not really close, so I’m confused at what to do to get her attention. Being a guy, I have absolutely no clue to what girls like. Can you give me an idea as to what girls like?


-Clueless crush

Carter looked over the note again, reading and rereading it to make sure he didn’t leave anything out. He’d tried so bad to make it seem like he was just some heartsick guy who desperately needed advice. Praying silently, he just hoped all his efforts would work.

Honestly, he didn’t know exactly why he was so hell bent on finding out if S. was the girl he met at the game. Truthfully, he just wanted her, whoever she was, to feel the pain of rejection like he had. He was always the heartbreaker, not the heartbroken.

Stopping midstride, an important thought occurred to him. With all that was going on, he didn’t even really miss Lizzy all that much. Granted, he wasn’t much of a softy unless he did find the perfect girl, he usually still felt a little weird after a few days, but not in this case.

Somehow, the idea that finding S. to make his embarrassment lessen didn’t sound right anymore. He didn’t even miss Lizzy. Not once had he thought about her, or how he must’ve looked like an idiot for not having her anymore.

So why was he still after S.? He didn’t know. But something, something in the back of his mind, wanted to find this S, for reasons still unknown to him, especially since he was clearly over Lizzy already.

Picking up his stride, he entered the library, and weaved around through the shelves towards the back corner. Lifting his hand up, he gently traced the brick with his hand, feeling the bumps of the rocky surface scratch his fingertips. Shaking his head, he lifted out the brick, exposing a small compartment that was empty. Placing the letter gingerly into the slot, he looked at it once, before replacing the brick back into the wall.

“Soon,” he whispered, “Soon, I will know who you really are.”


Ohhh, he's suspicious! Well see what happens soon!

Sorry to leave you guys there on that cliffhanger, but I need to regroup and think of what to do next! Any ideas on what should happen next cause I've got writer's block....grrr.

Thanks again for reading, and comment on future ideas for the next chapter! Thanks(:

Can I please get at least 10 votes on this chapter? Pretty pweeese? I don't know if I should continue or not, so if I could get those votes, I will continue! Thanks everyone(:

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