chapter 1

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This is my first ever story so its bound to be cringy ,full of mistakes and all that jazz


On a cold night in December there were cries of a baby ringing infront of an orphanage. The door that looked like it needed to be oiled, creaked and a woman's head looked out and jumped when she saw the baby.

She opened the door and picked the baby up. she wasn't that surprised anymore as she was when she had first seen this case . she first was surprised and anxious by these cases.

But became used to it because there were many incidents like this some young couple accidentally got pregnant and it was too late to abort the baby they dropped him/her in the orphanage .

No the thing she was surprised at were the baby's eyes that were looking at her the moment she picked the baby up.

The baby's eyes that were a forest green were brimming with power, The woman shivered at the look In the baby's eyes as it looked as if the baby could see the darkest and deepest secrets that she had kept dear to herself in the deepest parts of her mind and hadnt let anybody hear even a whisper off .

As the woman looked at the baby again she noticed that it had closed its eyes and was clutching the cloth that was wrapping it with his tiny hands, the woman shrugged it off thinking that she had just imagined it for gods sake it was just a baby. She was probably feeling guilty of what she had done to that boy.....

"Cindy!!!!...the matron is coming , we have to prepare. For goodness sake what are you doing I need help with these bottles "


While she quickened her actions she noticed a letter in the basket that was almost covered by the baby's body  and hurriedly opened it. As she skimmed through it she noticed the name was already given and that the should be 'guardian' judging by how the person had mentioned that this baby was her dead sister's son would have likely abused the boy. 

Words like freek,demon,abnormal were written freely at regular intervals as she read through it more she decided she had another case of those people .

The woman took the baby in the direction off the nursery and placed the baby in the crib and told the other caretaker's  in the room to take care of the baby and to mark its gender in the document under his name that was given in the letter. As she went to the head caretaker's room to call for her to come to the nursery,leaving the busy caretakers to make the last preparations.

None noticed the baby's eyes flashing and how he was looking around the room like he had lived there for a period of time....none noticed the recognition.

After 6 or 7 minutes a sound of an opening door was heard and a huge round woman stepped inside the room she had small beady eyes,a large fat nose,matty hair and puckered lips with an awkward hunched back.

As she looked at the babies for her to name and scowled , grumbling under her breath but after a few seconds she called for the caretakers  to get name tags and registers, as she walked saying names the person infront of her was holding a notepad telling her if the baby had a name,was a girl or boy etc,








She finally stopped at the last crib,the baby in the crib was the newest arrival just been handed over a few moments ago and unlike the other babies wasn't crying or sleeping,it was simply staring or was it looking at her

she wondered if her eyes were playing tricks on her because the way the baby stared at her reminded her of disdain but she blamed it off on a hallucination and for having little to no sleep.

Contemplating this she asked the baby's gender the baby was a boy, as she pondered upon it for a moment then started to name the baby but the woman who had found the baby told the head caretaker that the baby already had a name - HARRY POTTER the head caretaker went out leaving the people tagging and writing the name's in the register.

The baby that had closed his eyes and trembled and not because of the feeling of the cold winds or because he was feeling scared by the unfamiliar huge giants he trembled because the baby couldnt believe that he was back 60 yrs in time.

Edit: 22 april 2020,Wednesday 12:44 a.m.

Word count:806

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