The Forbidden Affair Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            Well Monday came by fast and I had to see if I was going to be in Mr. Schneider or not. I had a feeling that I would since he said he had connections in order for me to get in the class. But after a while I thought maybe it was best for me to not be in his class. I mean Lindsay would be furious when she finds out I transferred into the class. I know she wouldn’t want me to have one on one time with him because she doesn’t want me talking to him. Maybe being in class wasn’t a good idea after all. I thought I should talk to Kathleen about it because she is my best friend and she should give me some advice and a second opinion. Well I got ready for school and left as soon I was finished. Thankfully I got my car back from the shop. They finally fixed it which made me happy because I didn’t have to depend on anyone for a ride. I got in my car and drove off the school. The whole time I was driving Kathleen talked to me on the phone since she wanted to talk to me about Friday at back to school night. I arrived at school and got out of my car and walked over to the oak tree. Kathleen was already there waiting for me to come to school. I waved at her and sat down next to her. “Well hello.” She chanted with a smile.


                        “How are you?”

                        “I’m alright I guess. What about you?”

                        “I’m great. What’s wrong though? You seem kind of confused or upset.”

                        “Well I was thinking maybe I shouldn’t be in Mr. Schneider’s class…”


                        “Lindsay would be upset if I’m in there…”

                        “So, who cares about Lindsay? You’re a great singer Alyssa and I know that if you work with Matthew you would be an even greater singer. I know she is obsessed with him but she’s never going to get a guy by obsessing over him and buying him expensive gifts. The world doesn’t revolve around her and it’s a free country for you to be in his class or not.”

            I listened carefully to what Kathleen said. She was right the world didn’t revolve around Lindsay and I shouldn’t be worried about her and what she thinks about me being in the class. “You’re right Kathleen. She’s going to have to suck it up and just be okay with me being there. It is a free country and I could be in his class if I wanted to or not.”

                        “That’s right Alyssa. She’s just a diva looking for attention.”


            The bell began to ring and it was time for us to go to our first period class. We got up and began to walk to where our classes were. Kathleen said good bye to me and that we were going to hang out at the oak tree during break. After she did she went the other way to her class. I walked into my first period class. When I arrived there my teacher gave me a pink slip that let me know that I got into Mr. Schneider’s fifth period singing class. I was happy that I got in because I really wanted to work with him so I could grow musically. But I was also nervous because that meant I was going to have alone time with Mr. Schneider. I just hope things would go well when we did and I won’t make a big fool out of myself. But why was I worrying about this when I didn’t like him. I mean I shouldn’t be worrying about that because I don’t even like him. But maybe deep down inside somewhere liked him. Well hours later break came and I met up with Kathleen. I told her that I was officially in the singing class with her and she was so happy. We get to be in another class together which was great. After break was over we had to go to third period and after that was fourth period with Mr. Schneider. He called my name as I walked into the room and asked me to speak to him. I walked up to his desk to see what he wanted. “Did you get in the class?” he asked me as he looked at me.

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