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The next day goes slowly, just like any other day.

Brett, as always, has to wait, and wait, and wait, for classes to end. But this time, there is also another thing surrounding his mind, besides running to play the piano.

Who was this guy? He thinks while the memory of his face appears in his mind.
Asian, tall, dark hair and quirky smile.
He is certain, it’s not one of his classmates.

Although Brett doesn't talk to almost anyone, he has a good memory. Not for faces, but at least he remembers the tone of the voice of each of the people who are always talking around him on the classroom.
On this three years of coming to this school, he have never heard this voice before.

Well, maybe he won't see him again, anyway. He thinks before letting a big yawn out.

His eyes are barely open, as the teacher talks about Othello, for the third time this week.
And he falls sleep.

*** Yesterday ***

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*** Yesterday ***

Eddy stayed standing alone in the middle of the classroom.

He still had some tears on his cheeks, and a thousand questions stocked on his mouth.

“Oh”, he mumbled.
“Please don't go”, he whispered helplessly, because there was no one on that empty room anymore.

He walked in direction of the bus stop slowly, feeling his feet heavy and his heart discouraged.
He was new at school and wanted to make friends quickly, as he loved chatting and laughing all day.
But so far, he had no good luck.

He tried approaching a group the girls at the yard, with some of his manga knowledge, but they weren't...really impressed by it, for saying the least.

They told him to wait for them back in the classroom, so they could chat comfortably.

But after half an hour, Eddy peek on the window, and found the yard completely empty.
They were just messing up with him.

“Ah...even though I thought it would be easier with the girls”, he sighed. So embarrassing.

He took his bag, and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard the sound of a piano.

His eyes opened in surprised, and his body started to move by itself.

He started to walk following the sound, which came from upstairs. He went upstairs as quickly as he could, hearing the music getting louder and louder.

He recognized the piece. It was Liszt's Bagetelle sans tonalité.

He arrived at the door of the music classroom. And when he was about to open the door, the melody suddenly changed...
This one was not familiar to him.

But it was beautiful.

The notes were spreading across the air.

Even behind the door, the sound was beautiful and resonant; and the harmonious combination of sounds was overwhelming.
Still, for Eddy, there was something on the way the notes were played, that sounded absolutely hurtful and lonely.
He felt his heart shrinking.

He frozen.

Standing behind the door, with his ear touching it, and his hands caressing the wood, as if trying to touch the sound that went trough it.

The music started the fade out. Little by little. Gently.

And when the silence announced the end of the piece, Eddy's eyes were full of moved tears.

He took a big breath, and opened the door with a slam.
He needed to see the person behind that beautiful music.

Then, he saw a small, skinny guy with glasses standing by the piano. His dark eyes, were open in fear, but Eddy couldn't stop his body from moving towards him with energy.

A hug might be too much, he thought. So, he extended both of his hands to reach the ones who were playing.
Holding them, as if they were a treasure.

“That was beautiful, bro!”, he exclaimed, without being able to hold a big smile popping from his lips. It's been a while, since music hasn't moved him in this way.

“What kind of piece was that one?”, he added joyfully. He felt his cold fingers between his hands, as he waited for an answer.

But he wasn't speaking back.
And his face shows, what Eddy could only read, as annoyance.
Fuck. He shouldn't have entered just like that, isn't it?

The boy moved as if trying to scape, but Eddy couldn't let him leave just like that.
He panicked, and tried to stop him with a hand on his chest.

“Oh no!”, he screamed with a voice a bit louder than expected. “Don’t leave!”, he pleaded.

“I’m sorry! I got too excited. Please, can I know your name?”, he said trying to make eye contact with Brett, who finally turned to see him in to the eyes.

A pair of intense black eyes stared at Eddy in silence. At this distance, he could saw all of the moles in his face, and the soft black hair falling over his head.

“No”, he finally answers with a grave voice.

And runs away. Just like that.

Eddy finally have found an interesting classmate, who he could be friendly with. But it seems like he isn't too much of a talker.

And Eddy couldn't even get to hear his name.

I don't recognize him from class, Eddy thinks while walking. Maybe he is younger than me. Although, he was kind of tiny.
But the piece he was playing...it was huge. It wasn't shy or quiet. If it were a person, it would be someone friendly and loud. Yet, extremely nostalgic.

When he arrives to the bus stop, he watches a small paper on the floor. Somebody must have drop it without noticing it. When he picks it up, he realises it's a school id.

“Ah!”, he gasps, and turns it back to see the picture of the owner; just to found the same eyes he watched a few minutes ago staring directly in to him.

“Oooooooh!”, he screams loudly, making people on the street turns heads in confusion. “It’s him!”, he repeats, and then covers his mouth with one hand, as his face turns completely red. He forgot he was on the street.

“Brett Yang”, he whispers. He stares at the small Brett on the id. His hair was longer, and his eyes even more sleepy than today. He reads the date of his birthday. 17 years. Oh, he's on third year then...

“Third year?”, he says loudly. The people stares again, this time with more fear.

He puts the id on his pocket, and starts walking really fast, all blushed up, trying to get away from all the people who's staring at the tall asian guy talking alone , the fastest he can. 

His house is a couple of streets away from school. If he hurries up, he'll be on time for dinner. 

So he is one year older than me, uh.

“He was tiny, though”, he whispers smiling.

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