17. Seventeen (extra)

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“I was seventeen years old when I first meet you”, Brett read from a light pink scented paper on his hand, “And I remember you entering as a sweet tornado, pushing down every wall that I had built around me”. Everyone on the room laugh softly.
“And you didn’t needed fists or muscles, you break through them just by smiling, by the touch of a hand on my shoulder or your sweet voice calling me from behind while I was trying to run away from you...”, Brett giggle, while taking a look at Eddy, sitting next to him. “But you run really fast, so, here we are!”, now everyone was laughing really loud.

“But, for real”, Brett continued, “I thank all the gods for meeting you. Because it was thanks to you that I was able to fight for a place in music and at the same time, I found a place to call home. Right next to you, Eddy Chen”, he took Eddy’s hand and squizzed it softly, “I love you deeply. I love you always. I love you, my best dearest friend. Thank you for all you have gave to me”, he gave Eddy a kiss on his forehead, but felt some small hand grabbing him.

“Daddy! I want a kiss too!”, those were the small hands of Anna, who was always jealous from Brett’s kisses. Brett took Anna and hold it. “Yes! Kisses for Anna too!”, he laughed, and Anna giggled sweetly.
A boy with glasses approach Brett, “Daddy, give her to me. I take care”, Brett turn to see this little boy looking at him. He has Eddy’s eyes. “Yes, Edwin, thank you”, he said softly. Anna jump into Edwin’s arms happily. And Brett returned to his seat next to his husband.

Eddy stood up. “It feels like a dream being here”, he said with a bit of tears on his eyes, Brett took his hand and kiss his knuckles. “I could never have dreamt of a sweetest life. Of having a better family...”, he said, looking at small Edwin jumping on the garden with Anna. “Brett, all I ever wished in life has come true. All I ever wanted. And I will always be grateful for having you in my life”, this time he was looking at Brett’s eyes, already in tears.

“Ten years later, I’m still grateful that I heard that sweet music coming from the classroom, and that I entered through that door and that I entered through your life. Since then, life has been the sweetest. I love you, Brett Yang. I love you so much!”, he exclaimed on tears while hugging Brett.

“I love you”, Brett whispered. “Don’t cry, babe. Don’t cry”, he said sweetly. He kiss him on the cheek one last time, he wipe his tears softly and smile at him.
He turn around to everyone, holding hands with Eddy.

“Thank you for being here, for being for us. Hilary, thank you”, he said looking at were Hilary was sitting on that table.

“We are absolutely insanely happy to be here after ten years of our marriage. And celebrating the opening of this dream of both of us. This school of music for children who dream about music becoming his way to travel through life. Everyone is welcome!”, Brett exclaimed as he lifted up his glass and everyone cheered and laugh happily.


“Anna, I can hear you walking, dear darling. Time to sleep”, Brett screamed sweetly from the other room. He heard small steps and a giggle. “She has the same energy that you, I swear”, Brett said smiling. 

Eddy was coming out the bathroom, with his face washed and his hair pulled back. He sat down next to Brett and got himself under the blue sheets.

“Of course she does, she is our daughter”, Eddy smiled and kissed Brett on the cheek. “But she looms just like you. Especially, when he is angry”, Eddy touch Brett’s lips softly. Brett smiled and kissed Eddy on the lips.

The look at each other for a long time. After ten years, their features have changed. Some small tiny wrinkles appeared on Brett and Eddy’s  eyes. Brett hair was longer, and Eddy’s hair shorter, because that way it was easier for him to get ready every morning to go to classes. Brett has let his hair grow for a while, because his manager has told him it was good for his image and the pictures of his new album.
And Eddy loved Brett’s long hair. “You look like a prince”, he said the first time he saw him like that.

“And Edwin has the same eyes of you. Full of glow and life”, he answered. “He will be such a handsome man, the girls and the boys will drool for him”, Brett laughed. Also, Edwin has the temperament of Brett which made him absolutely irresistible for everyone, composed and serious, looking at everyone with those feline eyes, he was indeed a handsome boy.

Eddy arched his eyebrow playfully.
“Oh, really?”, Eddy’s face was really close to Brett’s lips, “Were you drooling for me, Brett?”.

Brett blushed and smiled. He closed his eyes and kiss Eddy’s lips deeply. After all this years together, the same tingles on his foot, the same scent on Eddy’s hair. The same rush on his heart.

“Always did”, he answered, before turning the light off. “And I always will”, he whispered on the darkness of the room.
The night fall down, and just some soft murmurs could be heard in the middle of the darkness.

“I love you always”.


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