Chapter 2: A Confrontation

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“You were a fool for trying to escape our kind of life, Alpha Thatcher.” It was Nahath who spoke, a slender man, taller than Thatcher, though could be assumed at first glance to be weaker than the third of a quarter average amount of muscle Thatcher had. He was slender and rested his weight on one leg as he looked down at his former friend.

“I will not do this with her here, Nahath.”

“So you remember my name.”

“Of course, how could I forget?”  He had left it to wishful thinking when Nahath saw sentiment in the chained man’s eyes, instead of letting himself be swallowed by sorrow he turned to the woman kneeling on the ground glaring at them, he would have laughed and mocked her if not for the serious intimidation she posed, even shackled to the ground, as imposing as you could get with the jaw length apple cut white blonde hair that had been mussed to leave her making a potential impersonator of a troll.

He leaned towards her, hands on his knees and said in a voice as if he were talking to a child “Well, missy-”

“The name’s Macy.” She bit at him. Strands of her hair blew from her face as she breathed heavily.

“Get her out. Give her something to eat.” Nahath had nodded for the stocky prison guard wolf to pick her up.

He watched the panic enter her eyes when the guard entered a key into her connected shackles and her gaze darted from the guard to her husband, she’d tried to break free and run towards Thatcher-falling on the ground, against the wall with how weak her legs have been and sprawling out-before the guard snatched her up by her upper arms and pulled her limbs back almost together while he struggled to drag her out of the room and all along yelling for them to let her stay.

At the slightest sound from Thatcher’s shackles the prison guard stiffened in position he was still by the wall Macy had been shackled to “What are you waiting for?” Nahath could feel a drop of sweat slide down his back.

“I’ll stay quiet, it’ll be like I’m nothing but air, but please let me stay.” Macy begged and Nahath felt on edge, he stared at her dry plain green eyes as her face contorted with every plea, he loathed that he let himself look at Thatcher for permission of what he was about to do and so he lifted a hand, nothing but a wave and the prison guard let Macy go, she fell on the ground but just as quickly made her way crawling desperately towards her shackled husband.

She cradled his face and panted a she pressed her forehead towards his.

Nahath could tell that Bab had been worried at the sight of the bruises she had  made on Macy’s upper arms, Bab looked at Nahath as if in apology and he shook his head.

She has bruises from when I restrained her.

I’ve noticed, Bab.

I feel remorse, I know she’s not a bad person.

Nahath shook his head at the woman-Bab-to his left, tall and slender like him, stronger than you might think because of their genes, yet undeniably weaker than the Alpha. They conversed through the telepathic link made possible by the sacred oath they took during the ritual to be officially a member of their pack, Nahath had been busy stripping Bab of her guilt when they were caught unexpectedly by the sound of clicking metal and Macy-their Alpha’s wife, their Alpha’s Luna, their Luna’s mischievous gaze.

Macy had done it, she jumped and screamed and laughed inside but controlled herself enough to send a mocking gaze at the trio of strangers before she was hearing clothes ripping and was brushed aside against the corner of the rusty room’s wall by fur, watched her husband-her Thatcher-become a wolf and one like no other wolf she’d seen on the wild or on documentaries.

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