Chapter 1: A Box

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The hangover had completely taken over Macy but not Thatcher he'd laughed off the amount of alcohol Macy had induced and bit his lip while he was cooking when he remembered the night spent celebrating their first wedding anniversary.

The boxes were finally all stored away awaiting until they had raised enough money to move into a real house-or a penthouse as per Thatcher's wishes-for now they could finally breathe and walk about without tripping over a box filled with dishes or utensils.

"Can you believe that we actually have drawers now?" was the first thing that Macy said that morning while Thatcher grinned and served her breakfast.

"Good morning to you too Missus."

Macy took her left hand that she'd used to rub her aching head and frown-smiled at her husband with her jaw on her palm and "Elbow off the table!" Thatcher playfully raised his voice.

"Oh no, darling you won't enjoy playing that game with me." She groaned while Thatcher chuckled and brought himself on her side of the small temporary table, kissing her forehead lovingly-making her sigh-before walking around the table to sit.

They were blessing their food while Thatcher tried not to laugh at Macy who was muttering and groaning the prayer through her hangover "And please, Lord take this pain away from me today. Amen!"

Thatcher could do nothing but shake his head and eat his food while He watched his wife clap her hands and eat the bacon and eggs with French toast and a side of hash browns ravenously.

Macy and Thatcher were about to discuss about whether they were going out for the day, run errands or stay at home and laze around when three sharp knocks were heard coming from the front door.

Thatcher inhaled.

"You know what? You cooked breakfast, I'll get it." Macy said as she struggled to sit up when out of nowhere all she could see was Thatcher's chest and she couldn't feel the ground beneath her anymore.

Macy gasped as she clutched Thatcher's neck and all of a sudden he was cradling her face in both his hands, when she was about to ask how on earth that had just happened Thatcher cut her off "Macy, listen to me and understand. I want you to climb into the vent as soon as I say 'go' alright?" the chance to reply back as she looked up at the vent above her was snatched  as she watched her husband quietly begin walking towards the door.

Feeling absurd about whispering in her own home Macy incredulously asked "What is going on?" and like a trigger the door to the front door of their maisonette slammed against the wall. Figures that wore gravely clothes moved faster than her eyes could see, one of them was stalking threateningly towards her, but the source of her cry in pain was the other one who had pinned her husband to the wall.

A muffled 'go' left her husbands lips but the stalking figure had already secured her arms to her sides by the time she turned around to face the wall and tried climb up into the vent, it made the noises she heard her husband making all the more painful to hear as she couldn't see exactly what they were doing to him.

"Please, please" Macy choked on her sob as she heard what could possibly be bone cracking "Don't hurt him, oh God." and then a prick at her arm made her cry in a high pitched hoarse voice before she felt herself being gently placed down on the ground to watch the strangers restrain her husband and break him.

She tried to keep her eyes uncrossed as she murmured her begging for them to stop hurting her love.

Her face twisted as she heard their words, twisted as they may have been because of the drug that was running through her veins she heard "I can't believe a man like you would be so stupid as to leave the life you had to build another one in a box." it was a man's voice, talking like he was an old friend of Thatcher.

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