11) The One Where It's Two Years Before

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Beca sat cuddled up on her couch, her legs hooked securely underneath her. Despite the fact that it was starting to get late, and she had to be up early for the school run in the morning, there was a genuine smile on her face. She held her phone tightly, waiting for the phone to ring.

Bzzz bzzzzzz bzzzz

A squeal shot out of Beca as she jumped into action. With fumbling fingers, she answered the call, eyes gleaming.

"Well you look flustered," a teasing voice chuckled down the phone.

"I'm just happy to see you, Chlo," Beca beamed, taking in the beautiful face filling up her screen.

"I love hearing you say that," Chloe sighed, looking completely content. Beca smiled back, the two locking eyes for a while.

"I really wanna kiss you..." Beca whispered, a deep blush erupting on her cheeks as she realised what she had just said.

Chloe chuckled, a blush forming on her own cheeks. This was still so new for the both of them. But, unlike Beca, Chloe found it easier to push past those feelings. She reached out as if to touch Beca, to stroke her cheek. But, of course, she couldn't.

"Aw you're too cute!" Chloe giggled, blowing Beca a kiss instead.

Beca tried to smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes this time. She lent further back into her chair, eyes down. Chloe's smile dropped a little in return. She understood.

"Soon." Chloe promised softly, her eyes searching Beca's for reassurance that the woman really was okay. Beca looked up, meeting them with ease.

"What time's your flight booked?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Early," Chloe grinned. "I'll have landed by 10. Meet me at the airport?" A pout appeared effortlessly. Beca rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh - or blush.

"Like you even have to ask," she said.

Chloe stuck up her chin triumphantly. Beca playfully sighed, but was grinning again. Chloe wanted to take a picture. She loved it when Beca smiled. Thankfully it was happening more and more these days. Even miserable Susan had muttered a thank you to Chloe last time they'd past each other.

"So, tell me about your day," Chloe asked, leaning back against her bedframe. "I want to hear all about it."

So Beca told her everything. She told Chloe all about the music she had been working on at the studio; the mixing, the clients, her boss. She spilled every detail, right down to what she'd had for lunch.

And Chloe listened to every word. It still amazed Beca that Chloe was never bored by Beca, never waiting to hang up the phone and get on with her own life. A life which Beca got to hear about in return.

Chloe would tell her about every annoying student, every detail of staff room gossip, every lesson taught - and what she'd had for lunch.

Beca loved every second of hearing about it, of being apart of Chloe's world. Loved feeling like she knew the students, had her favourites, and knew which ones were secretly Chloe's - the girls from choir, of course.

They had come a long way since Beca had first reappeared in the woman's life. It had taken a lot of effort - still took a lot of effort - but they were making it work. And it was so worth it.

"How's Beatrice?" Chloe asked once they were done discussing work.

"She's fine. I finished early today so we could spend some more time after school together. Oh, and we have a surprise for you! Bee insisted she wanted to do something. She's excited to see you," Beca smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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