9) The One Where It's The Reunion

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Beca tried to feel excited as she sat in between Fat Amy and Chloe in the Uber. Chloe was holding her hand, gently rubbing her thumb along Beca's dry skin, like she always did. Beca tried to focus on the soothing feeling, instead of the growing feeling of dread at her newfound unemployment.

She had a family to provide for. Chloe didn't have a job. They had a mortgage and a young child at home. And no job... It wasn't a happy thought. Even the thought of a Bellas reunion wasn't helping.

But then the three women entered the aquarium where they would be singing. A few Bellas were already there, waiting for them and the others to show. Beca felt herself grinning; it was hard to be stressed when her family was waiting for her.

"What's up, pitches?" Fat Amy cried, announcing herself to the entire room. She separated from Beca and Chloe, leaving them trailing behind her.

Excited hugs and hellos were exchanged, all of the girls joining in with one group hug. Beca looked over at Chloe through the group, smirking.

"I missed you guys so much, I can't wait for us to sing together..." Chloe said, already almost tearful.

"Hey, ladies!" The girls were interrupted by a grinning Aubrey, flanked by Jessica and Ashley, who waved excitedly. Aubrey threw her belongings over her shoulder at them before joining in on the hug. "Let's crush this!"

The three of them were pulled into the hug, all squealing as they greeted each other once more. Beca roller her eyes affectionately, finding it hard to be annoyed at the neverending hugs.

"Hey Bellas!" Another voice called out.

"Here we go again," thought Beca.

Emily strutted across the room with her newer, younger Bellas, looking much more confident and relaxed than the nervous girl who had first joined the group all those years ago.

"Hi!" The original Bellas greeted, welcoming Emily enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much for inviting us," Chloe gushed, taking charge of the group again with ease.

"Of course!" Emily beamed.

"So what do you want us to sing tonight?" Chloe asked, getting straight down to business. "A little Who Run the World, some Bullet Proof? You didn't tell us what the crowd was but, I, um, brought this just in case..."

Chloe held up a cup, which Beca smoothly smacked out of her hand. She tried to keep her expression blank, desperate to stop her cheeks from flushing. Chloe got more embarrassing every day!

"Oh God..." Emily muttered.

"Our voices are warm," Chloe continued, harmonising with the old Bellas like nothing had changed. Beca smirked, proud of Chloe's preparedness. She knew this was where Chloe flourished.

The women beamed at the new Bellas, waiting their instructions. Emily wasn't smiling back though. She looked anxiously around at the new Bellas, who had been muttering behind her the entire time. She didn't know what to say.

"Umm... We didn't invite you guys to sing... We invited you to... watch us sing..." One of the girls explained awkwardly.

"Watch." Emily emphasised at the same time.

Realisation dawned on Chloe's face. Beca reached out, grabbing Chloe's hand sightly, squeezing it. Behind Chloe, Aubrey was trying not to explode.

"Aca-scuse me?" She said.

The rest of the Bellas cringed, the weight of what was happening dawning on them. The awkwardness was tangible.

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