1) The One Where It's Two Years Later

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Another Monday.

Sometimes Beca Mitchell wondered if her whole life consisted of Mondays.

Where did the other days even go? They all seemed to blur into one long line of existence, only breaking themselves up when Monday rolled back around.

It signaled the start of another week, but the weeks were always the same. They were a nagging reminder that life hadn't changed.

Monday's now involved having to drag her aching body out of bed, at an unforgiving 7am, in a vain attempt to persuade her 10 year old to get up. This was a job that only seemed to get harder over time.

More and more often, Beca missed the days of waking up to the soft cries of her baby. Although, at the time, these cries used to be anxiety inducing, Beca now found herself longing for the simplicity of it all. At least her little baby girl hadn't been able to say 'no'.

Not to mention, with all the rushing around in the mornings, there was barely enough time to steal a kiss from the gorgeous ginger sleeping beside her. And that was a travesty.

No, Beca just never seemed to have enough time in the day on a Monday.

Regardless, she reached out her hand to smash the snooze button. The thumping in her head began to dull, at least a little, the moment the insistent beeping was turned off. Beca yawned, shuffling backwards in the bed so that she could feel the warmth of Chloe on her sore back.

Time for another day...

"Ugh, Becs... Get. Off." Chloe groaned. She reached out a hand from underneath her, pushing Beca forwards again.

Beca smirked, rolling over so that their noses were touching. Chloe determinedly kept her eyes screwed shut, desperate for a few more minutes of sleep.

"Wakey, wakey," Beca breathed, smiling. Chloe's nose wrinkled at the morning breath. Beca kissed Chloe softly on the lips, then leant their foreheads together. "Time for another day."

Chloe was quick to kiss Beca right back, pulling the woman into her arms in one easy movement. Beca melted into Chloe immediately. It was in those moments right there that everything was perfect. They both knew it. It was always a struggle getting up from their cosy morning embraces.

Especially on a Monday.

Of course, it couldn't last. After a few more precious seconds together, the two women got up - but not before sneaking in one last kiss first. They both knew kisses were important. After all, they'd gone without them before.

Chloe went immediately to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed, while Beca went into the next room to drag Beatrice out of bed. The little girl was becoming more and more like a teenager every day. It was a struggle getting her up.

"Come on, kiddo. Time to wake up." Beca said, dropping down to the side of Bea's bed and kissing her daughter's head.

"No, Momma..." Beatrice groaned, shoving Beca away feebly. "It's too early."

Beca chuckled, getting up and flinging open the curtains. It was an overcast day. Beca bit her lip and took a breath.

Once upon a time, as overcast day would have been enough to knock her mood. Now however, after two years of therapy - and Chloe - she felt much more in control of her emotions. They were still there, but at least now they didn't bite.

Some Day [Bechloe Fan Fiction] *Sequel To Every Day*Where stories live. Discover now