10) The One Where It's The Decision

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Chloe and Beca lay in bed later that night in silence. Fat Amy had announced that she'd be staying with Aubrey in her hotel room that night, conveniently out of the way. Beca was sure Aubrey had spoken to her quietly when they'd had a spare minute in between all the excitement.

Beca had avoided Chloe as much as possible, taking the opportunity to talk to her old friends. She still felt like she had missed a huge chunk of their lives while she had been away, being a mother, until Fat Amy had brought her back.

None of the Bellas ever seemed to hold it against her anymore, but there were still things Beca missed, inside jokes she didn't get, memories she didn't have. Not that Beca regretted her life at all, not anymore - she wouldn't trade her daughter for the world - but it meant she always made sure to catch up with everyone now, when she could.

This did mean, however, that she and Chloe hadn't had time to discuss the upcoming tour together. In the Uber home, Chloe was still excitedly chattering about what a great night it had been. But she did not mention the tour.

Not even when they walked into the house. Or ate some leftovers - which were technically Amy's. Or got ready for bed. It was only as they were lying in the dark that Chloe spoke.

"It's okay," she said quietly. "I know we can't really go. I just wanted to believe in it for a little while longer. I'll call Aubrey in the morning. She'll understand."

"What?" Beca turned to look at Chloe, rolling onto her elbow.

Chloe was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling. Her blue eyes were glossy but she wasn't crying. She smiled a soft smile without looking at Beca.

"I don't mind," she said.

"Chlo, what are you talking about?" Beca asked.

"The tour, Aubrey's tour. Now you've quit your job, I know you'll want to go home. You need to go home, to Bee. I love you and I don't mind," Chloe said firmly, finally looking at Beca.

She reached a hand out, placing it gently against Beca's cheek. Without her makeup on, Chloe could see wrinkles around Beca's eyes staring to appear where there hadn't been any before. She knew it was the stress of the move.

Beca lent against Chloe's hand, holding it there. Now there were tears in her own eyes. She kissed Chloe's palm.

"Chloe, I love you." She said. "You've done so much for me, everything really. You welcomed me into the Bellas, you supported me, you forgave me, you've moved for me twice now. And you love me."

"I don't mind doing those things," Chloe laughed, cutting Beca off. Tears were beginning to show, but they weren't sad this time.

"I mind. Let me do something for you," Beca insisted. "Chlo, I want to go on that tour. With you. With our friends. I've quit my job, but Bea doesn't know, she's not expecting us home for another few months. It won't hurt her if we're away somewhere else, instead of New York."

"What?" Chloe said in disbelief. "Beca, we couldn't..."

"Why not?" Beca asked. "We deserve a holiday. After everything that's happened recently. After everything we've been through, you've been through... And you deserve to sing. You'd do anything, remember?"

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