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A/N: This chapter has been changed and updated from its original


Halloween was a fun time for those on earth. Everyone dressed in their cool outfits and walked around collecting candy from peoples homes who had left them outside. Kids happily talked with their parents as they skip happily along paths. People had fun in haunted houses as their scared screams filled the air along with laughter.

Though in one building, security was tight and the lights were off, large chambers filled with odd coloured liquid and unknown creatures sleeping within. In the middle was a decently large chamber with vibrant yellow liquid. A male figure gently floated in the serum with cables and needles inserted into their body. Many features on them didn't look human despite the human shape. And unknown to them a group of six thieves or more specifically dumb teenagers had snuck into the high security laboratory and were looking to steal some good things.

"Man this is almost too easy" one of them commented with a chuckle, another one followed in with the laughter.

"Hell yeah dude, we might be able to get some really good and valuable things from here" another said as they searched the building. As they searched the halls and rooms they noted a large black door labeled with 'CAUTION'. They all smirked and got into the room, staying silent as they do so. Just as they were about to speak one of them froze and held a finger to his lips.

"Guys, shh" he said and motioned in front of him. They were on a ledge and down below was the room full of chambers, although in the middle stood seven figures, all surrounding one chamber. All of them were wearing white lab cloaks. One of them had a board in hand with a pen and seemed to be noting things down.

"Subject 001 has had over 3,000 tests and successfully gained compatibility with over 200 different blood types from aliens. His main blood types are human, Altean and Galran" the man said, his voice deep and stern. The other doctors nodded their heads and commented on things they picked up on.

"Okay do we have his chamber ready for pick up? They will be arriving soon and we do not want to be disappointing them after they kindly handed us the equipment to do this for them." The scientist, Ace asked looking at a male named Mick. Mick nodded at him.

"It's all ready sir, we just need to do one last check up before taking him out and putting him inside" Mick stated as two other men worked on draining the liquid and pulling the male out. His white and (H/C) dripping with the liquid and stuck to his face. His chest rose up and down slowly, a small amount of steam slipped out of his nose. The scientists ran some tests on the male to make sure he was okay before picking him up and pulling him to a coffin like case and settling him inside with foam cushioning.

Alec smirked and then opened up a screen panel and pressed a few buttons before a face appeared, her hooded figure and glowing eyes gave her a terrifying appearance.

"Hello Ma'am, we have just finished our last tests and have him all sorted for your collection. When should we be expecting you?" He asked the lady.

"We are almost there, we have your reward, it will be given once we have what we asked for" her gruff voice spoke through the screen. Alec nodded and agreed.

"We shall see you shortly then" he said with a smile before the call ended and the screen went blank. "You guys heard her. She will be here soon so lets get this boy ready for her" Alec said as the others nodded and finished getting things set up. The seven boys quickly crept out of the room and back into the main room, only to come face to face with a group of 7 hooded figures, one of them shorter and in different attire. They didn't seem to pleased with the boys being there.

The lady smirked as she looked at them.

"Kill them, we can't have others knowing of what happens here" she said in her gruff voice. The others nod and step closer to the boys who began panicking before taking off in a sprint, they were not fast enough though. Just as fast as they took off they were caught and shocked brutally with the purple electricity of the hooded people.

The screams of the boys could be heard from below and the scientists sighed but were unfazed by the sounds as they were used to it from the boy in front of them. But after a few moments the hooded people walked into the room and down to them all.

"Dr. Alec, you have my project?" The shorter figure asked and removed her hood

"Mrs haggar, it's wonderful to meet you, your boy is over here" he said and motioned her to the coffin chamber which held the white and (H/C) male. Haggar smirked and cupped the cheek of the sleeping boy.

"He looks perfect, I thank you for getting him like this for me, and you made sure to implement the memories into his head as well?" She asked as she looked at Alec. He nodded his head.

"Of course, we put them in last week and he took them very well. He reacts well to your name and your husbands" he stated. She nodded at his words and snapped her fingers. The other hooded figures with her moved forward and shut the coffin and picked it up with ease.

"I thank you for your co-operation all this I have sent you your wants" she stated as she looked at her men and chamber.

"Thank you ma'am, I appreciate it" Alec said and bowed. Haggar nodded and turned, leaving with her men and the boy in their custody. Their footsteps echoed throughout the room before the door shut behind them as they fully left. Though they weren't about to let some scientists spread their secret and they never said they would honestly keep their promise. With a sadist smirk Haggar lit a large fire in the lab and had it ablaze within minutes. The scientists screamed and cried out as they tried to get out yet failed miserably, their other experiments dying in the process.

Haggar and her subordinates entered their ship and placed the chamber in a secure place and started it up before promptly leaving the planet while the sky was still dark outside. The boy inside the chamber was still sleeping but soon he'd be awake and introduced into his new home as the second son of Zarkon the Galran overlord.


Word count: 1185 words

You thought it was going to be something like, the tank would be stolen and what not but no, the tank was given to a race of aliens who were going to use the boy for evil plottings. But I don't want to spoil the story now so read on ahead and find out. I mean this story is about a boy who is one hell of a cyborg.

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