Chapter 5

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M/N P.O.V:

Why the hell was I doing this mission again? I asked as I watch the blue and red paladin argue with each other. The small human seemed to be ignoring them and focusing on their own thing while the bigger one, who looks like a giant teddy bear, was trying to stop the two from fighting.

"you two fight like a married couple now shut up lovebirds" I growled sick of hearing their constant yelling and lame insults. Both their faces erupted in a blush at my words. I internally smirked at my success in getting them to be quiet so the altean princess could speak. 

"Thank you...what's your name?" she began speaking before she stopped to look at me.

"It's M/N," I said bluntly. I really can't believe that these are the paladins.

Shiro's P.O.V:

As the princess was explaining and introducing M/N to the team and what they did I was looking the new male up and down. He looked human but his ears were slightly pointed. like an altean. He also had a very high-tech metal leg. His clothes looked to be in pristine condition with not a single scratch. That's not normal for someone who escaped the galra. Unless he infiltrated them. I'll need to ask him later.

"iro, hiro, Shiro, Shiro!" Allura called and I snapped out of my head space.

"Sorry princess what were you saying?" I asked. She explained how the team needed to practice more on forming Voltron and training to get better to face Zarkon. I nodded and we got to work doing some 'simple' training, at least that's what Allura and Coran said. 

~time skip~

I noticed that while we were working on team training M/N was training on his own and he looked so elegant. His moves were so smooth and precise. It almost looked as if he was dancing with the blades that he was swinging around at the robots that were running at him. I was in complete awe. I had never seen someone move like that before. 

Eventually, the others spotted him and started to watch as well. When he was done they all clapped in amazement.

"That was spectacular!" Allura said as she walked up to him. He smiled and it was the brightest and most precious smile I'd ever seen. He almost looked like an angel... I was promptly snapped out of my thoughts as the team ran over to him and almost begged him to train them. Especially Lance. though he turned them all down saying that they weren't even near as ready as they should be for the training he had in mind for them all. 

He explained how they all had various weak points and how dangerous it could be in battle. Only then did I realize that he was right. We were weak and we were too ready for the challenges that we would face in the future. 

After training was all done we went to the dining hall and sat down to eat. Thankfully Hunk made us all food. I don't trust Coran's food anymore. We were all discussing a few training ideas together as we waited for food. Coran had come out to try and convince us to eat the food he made. To all our surprise, M/N said that he'd try it. Before we even had the chance to warn him about it he'd taken the food and started to eat it.

"Wow! this is good! way better than the prison food on the galra ships!" he said with a wide smile on his face. How he at that I have no idea

M/N P.O.V:

I could see that the Voltron team was looking at the food Coran made in disgust. To be honest it looks like the stuff our chief makes at home. Truthfully I hate it and make my food which my mother lets me do. Nonetheless, I needed to act as if I had been held captive and given horrible food. I grabbed the food and took a bite of it. It wasn't as bad as home so it was bearable.

"Wow! this is good! way better than the prison food on the galra ships!" I exclaimed lying but these weak creatures would never know. Coran seemed pleased and tried to get me to have more

"I would but I wish to taste what the other chief is cooking." I politely declined as is finished the little bit I had started. thankfully he nodded and left with the remaining food. After a while, the yellow paladin walked in with a tray of food and the smell wafting from the freshly made food was divine. 

He sat the food down and started to set it out on the table before us. He then goes back to grab more food that fills the table and the air with delicious smells. once he sits down he allows us to dig in and eat. I grab a little of everything to try it all. I also pour myself a drink of clear liquid on the table before I start to eat the food on my plate. 

The food was delicious and perfectly cooked and the meat was melting in my mouth. I could see that the others were devouring their food except for the red paladin and Shiro. I really only remember his name because he has the black lion that I need to bring back to my father. I should get him to show me the lions after this that way I know where to look and study them. 

It a good while before everyone started to finish their food and help clean the table up. As I finished I grabbed my plate to take to the kitchen when the big guy came and took it from me 

"Here I'll take that for you" he smiled

"Oh thank you" I let him take my plate as I walked over to Shiro who seemed to be talking with the red paladin.

"Um excuse me Shiro was it?" I asked as I stopped beside the two.

"Yes, that's me what is it you need?" he asked turning to me as Keith excused himself and left.

"While I was in the prison I kept hearing something about Voltron and seeing you guys in person is really cool but is it okay if I see Voltron?" I asked and acted nervous. I hated having to act this vulnerable.

"Well, we can't show you Voltron we can show the parts that make up Voltron?" he spoke softly

"I would be more than happy to see what makes up the greatest being in the universe" I smiled happily.

"Follow me then and we'll start your tour of the Lions," he announced as he started to walk off. I followed with a smile that hid the sinister one below it. 

Finally, I'll be able to see the lions my Father so desperately wants me to recapture for him.


Word count: 1145

Life is busy and annoying and has been unmotivated to continue my books due to my parents saying that I should read better books rather than fanfiction and writing things like this. But I am continuing because I love it when I see that people enjoy my stories

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