Chapter 12

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Note: Please note that it has been a long while since I have seen the actual series so I am not expecting everything to be as exact as they are in the show. I will however try and put the main events and popular scenes into the book as well.


Third P.O.V:

Thankfully Pidge had managed to take down the particle barrier so that Keith and Allura could slip inside and help them. Zendak noticed that the clone Pidge had put up was, in fact, a clone and spotted the real Pidge, lunging at her with his large arm. Pidge noticed in time, skillfully dodged out of the way, and used her Bayard to tase Zendak. He shook from the electrical burst and fell to the floor, knocked out for the time being.

Pidge quickly ran past and over to Shiro to untie him from the restraints binding him. Just as Shiro was about to thank Pidge for the save, he shoved her to the side to avoid being struck by the large mechanical hand of Sendak. Pidge managed to catch herself and looked up at Shiro and Sendak who were locked in a battle. Shiro's arms was glowing a bright purple as he fought against Sendak. 

Pidge scrambled into a more upright position and joined in the fight again. She swung her bayard at the mechanical arm of Sendak and yanked to toward her. This caused him to stumble and loose a little balance. Seeing the opportunity Shiro lunged at Sendak and quickly tackled him and throwing in a good hard punch to his face. This made a resonating crack as Sendak's jaw broke from the force. 

He stumbled back and grabbed his now aching jaw and shot a glare toward Shiro and started to run at him again, swinging his own deadly punch toward him. thankfully Shiro managed to put his arms up just in time and block the oncoming attack from the Galran male. Pidge shot her bayard at Sendak's arm and tugged it downward and away.

Sendaks arm then smashed to the floor, this made Sendak take his attention of Shiro and toward Pidge. He then turned his attention to Pidge and ran at her kicking her harshly toward the entrance. before landing on the ground someone managed to catch her. Looking up she saw Allura behind her.

"We are here to help, thanks to you we managed to get in" She said smiling and helping Pidge into a standing position. Pidge quickly thanked her and looked back at Shiro fighting Sendak. Sendak threw Shiro into the wall and went to punch him hard when someone shot the mechanical arm and it dropped to the floor. They all looked to where it came from and saw Lance half awake beside an unconscious M/N. 

Keith went over to them as Lance passed back out and fell into Keiths arms. Thanks to Lance's intervention Shiro managed to get a good upper hand and got up and slammed his metal arm into Sendak's face and Pidge tased him and he fell to the floor. Allura quickly tied him up and made sure it was tight before holding him down to the side. Shiro then walked over and knocked him out. 

They all panted heavily after the fight, Keith looked over Lance and ridge came over to check on M/N as well while shirt made sure Sendak was unconscious and tied well. Allura on the other hand turned her attention to the crystal, seeing it broken and the launch sequence stopped.

"That is not good, hopefully Corran and Hunk can find a good crystal to replace this" She said to herself. She walked up to the control panel and tried to see if anything would work but nothing really did. 

"Princess we really need to get these two into healing pods" Pidge spoke up, interrupting Allura's train of thoughts.

"I'm aware Pidge but unfortunately we can't use the healing pods until we have the new crystal, though I think we have some simple medical kits that we can probably use in the mean time to help stabilise their wounds until then" She stated as she started heading for the door. Pidge left M/N and Lance in Keith's care, much to his distaste, and followed Allura to get the medical kits. 

Shiro soon walked over and sat with Keith, he also looked over the other two, only know registering the differences in the wounds both Lance and M/N had. 

"We need to ask them what happened when they are healed and better" Shiro muttered and Keith nodded his head in agreement.

"so Sendak is all tied down and wont escape?" Keith questioned looking from Shiro to the unconscious Galra across the room. Shiro nods in response.

"Yeah he wont be going anywhere. We can put him in a cell or chamber later when the power comes back online and we have these two in a healing pod." They talked for a little more after that until Allura and Pidge came back and began to tend to some of the wounds that both boys had.

Back on the Balmera

"AHHHHHH!!!! CORRAN HURRY UP!!!" Hunk yelled as he ran away from the Galra fighter jets. He skidded to a stop and pulled out his Bayard and started to shoot at the Droids and managed to take down a few before making it to a safe place and dropping to the floor panting. 

"They are loading the crystal onto our ship at the moment, once it's on we can head off. But you did great defending yourself out there" Coran encouraged as Hunk panted and shot him a slight glare.

"At least the crystal is almost on the ship. but once we've sorted the castle out we need to come back here and save all these people, they dont deserve this..." Hunk managed to get out through a few deep breaths, his heart and breathing finally calming down after the adrenaline rush. 

"We can see what can be done for now let us head back to the ship and get back to the others, who knows what is going on with them." Corran stated with a smile on his face. Hunk nodded and got up, following Corran to the ship that now had the crystal loaded onto it. 

Corran thanked the bulmeran people while hunk looked at Shay and walked over to her.

"Thank you Shay" he said with a soft smile "I promise to come back and help you see the sun again" he swore while holding her hand.

"And I will wait for your return and for the promise to be fulfilled" she smiled up at him before bringing him into a warm hug. Hunk happily hugged back before parting and walking to the ship where Corran was waiting. he waved at her one last time before Corran started the ship and they managed to get out, but not without having to blast through more fighter jets, but thankfully they got out there mostly intact.

Next destination, the castle.


Word count: 1162

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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