Chapter 6

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(credit to the owner of the above image and this is the white lion in a living form)

M/N P.O.V:

I followed him to the room and looked around as we walked so I could come back and see the lions later. I also took in the plain-looking walls. While they had amazing architectural designs, the plain blue, grey, and white scheme drove me a little insane. I preferred the darker colors because I grew up in the darker rooms of the Galra ships. 

We soon made it to a pad and he put in a code for the door to open. Gotta remember that then. Once the doors were open I was greeted by a huge room with all the lions situated in the middle facing each other. They were hugely bigger than I imagined.

"Welcome to the hall of Lions. The green lion belongs to Pidge, the Yellow one is Hunk's, Red Keith, Blue Lance and lastly I pilot the black lion" he Showed me each of the lions as he explained who the paladin was for each of them. That will be handy in knowing for later and who to watch out for. Now I need to wait to see them in action and mark their moves. If I'm going to get these for my father then I need to know how exactly they work.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't register that I was still walking and smacked straight into the leg of the Black lion. Shiro laughed but helped me up nonetheless.

"You should be careful and watch where you are going" He looked me over for any injuries.

"Sorry about that I was lost in thoughts from how magnificent these mechanical beasts are and I'm fine by the way"

"Well that's good can't have you hurting yourself again and going back into the healing pod" he joked. We both had a good laugh before I stopped to have another good look at the lions.

"Hey, Shiro?" I asked looking up at his Lion

"Yes?" he turned to look at me.

"Do you think you could take me inside and show me what it's like inside the lion?" I asked taking my eyes off his lion and focusing them back on the taller male.

"Yeah sure," He smiled and walked closer to the lion who bowed its head for him and opened his mouth. He motioned me to follow and I did. I inspected the interior as much as possible while heading for the cockpit. 

I noticed that when walking into it there was a large room in the abdomen of the Lion. There were a few storage rooms off the side of the main room but it was perfect for long-distance traveling.

"Wow, this is so cool. Do all the lions have rooms like this?" I asked turning to Shiro who stood at the entrance of the cockpit.

"Yup they all have mini rooms and a little kitchen area," He said motioning to the small kitchen in the corner. I nodded. I could store things in here.

"Have any of you thought about decorating them? you know to make it more homey feeling?" I asked. From the look on his face, it looked like they didn't.

"No, but maybe we could tell the others once we get back to the main room." He smiled again and damn did it always feel this calm when he smiled. Pushing that thought aside I walked up to him and followed him into the head of the lion. 

The space in the cockpit was also very roomy and didn't feel cramped at all. The lack of personalization made it feel a little boring though. I watched as Shiro sat in the chair and the lion came to life. I was amazed when I suddenly felt dizzy. I gripped Shiro's chair for support and he noticed.

"Hey you okay?" he asked getting up and going to me.

"I-I'm fine I just feel real-" before another word could leave my mouth, my hand slipped from the chair and I fell straight into his arms and passed out. 

When I opened my eyes all I saw was a black landscape. My body felt light and I stood up wandering the infinite abyss. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something white and gold standing there. Turning in its direction sat a massive White and Gold lion along with the other lions beside it.

A loud purr echoed around the space as a bright glow covered them. I had to quickly shield my eyes and look away. But once it was clear to look I was faced not with mechanical lions but large soft-furred lions the colors of the metal ones that once stood there. 

I stood in shock. Had those metal lions just turned into living ones? trying to process the current events the lions started to approach me the white one taking the lead followed by the black, red, green, blue, and yellow ones close behind.

I froze on the spot seeing them getting closer but I had to remain calm. As the white one came closer I realized just how big they were. the white one came up to my shoulders. I stayed completely still as it sniffed me. When it was done he nudged me and I stumbled back and hit something soft and dropped to the ground. 

I looked behind me to see the black Lion as it lay down behind my back. the others came and lay down beside me and the white one lay between my legs and rested its head on my chest. the one thing that surprised me the most was how calm it made me feel. I let out a sigh of relief and relaxation and drifted off to sleep in the calm presence of whatever was happening. But I felt a connection with all these lions, and I wasn't going to complain.


word count: 961

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