Chapter 34.

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The best night of my life passed and so did 4 months. It was October and that's when my college started. Well tomorrow. First day of college! I was packed and ready to go. All I had to do was saying goodbye. I'm leaving tomorrow at 7 am so I had to be up bright and early to get ready. I am so nervous and so sad that I'm leaving. I put my suitcases near the door downstairs so I don't forget anything. I went and sat down by the kitchen table. My dad was reading the newspaper while sipping coffee.

"Morning." I said

"Hey college girl!" He put down the paper

"I'm too nervous to be called that."

"It's going to be great! I'm so proud of you, you have no idea. Every day you make me so glad to call you my daughter. You have never disappointed me and also never made the wrong decision. I know you are going to have a bright future after this and you are going to make us all prouder than we are right now even if that doesn't seem possible. I love you darling and I just can't believe you're so grown up!"

"Dad! I'm not prepared for this. I love you so much." I wiped a tear from my eye and gave him a big hug and a kiss

"I'm so proud." He said, my mom came out with pancakes that said congrats."

"I love you so much sweetie! I heard what your father said and I couldn't have said it better. We are so proud! Now eat up because Q wants to talk to you too. So head over there after." She gave me a hug and a kiss.

"I love you too!"

I ate my pancakes then went over to Brian's. I knocked on the door and it opened as if he was waiting for me. He wasn't alone. Sal, Murr, and Joe were also there.

"Hey babe!" He gave me a tight hug

"Hey!" I said

"Today is your goodbye day. Since the only person out of us that will see you tomorrow is Q we are going to make this such a sad time." said Sal

"Awe please no." I said

"Sorry but we love you and this has to happen." said Joe

I sat down on the couch and the guys surrounded me. I felt like I was going to burst out in tears, this was before anyone even said anything.

"Zoey you have made a huge impact in Brian's life and in ours. You are our pal and best friend now, we are really proud of you." said Joe

"Stop it, I'm gonna cry."

"Hold up. We aren't finished." Murr grabbed my hand.

"You are just beginning your life and I want to just say that you are gonna have an amazing time. Right Sal?"

"Yes! The best ever!" said Sal

"Uh.. Well the guys aren't really good at saying goodbye and I don't want them to get to say everything I want to so let's go in the kitchen and talk there." Q said, he grabbed me by the hand and led me into the kitchen. He gave me a kiss on my lips and we sat down.

"Zoey you have made the happiest person ever. I want to thank you for that. You changed my life in a good way. I can't see my life without you in it anymore. You are my whole world and it's going to be hell without you." He started to cry, I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes, I was also crying.

"I just want to be there with you every step of the way, you are my life, my joy and I can't stand it when you aren't next to me. When you leave you won't be the girl next door anymore, we might drift apart."

"Awe Q, I love you so much! We won't ever drift apart! We can't!"

"Then we must videochat and text every second we get!"

"I have to study and focus on my grades though too. So it's going to be much harder."

"I know but we can still try. Long distance relationships can work sometimes."

"I hope so, I don't know if it will exactly work, we can try but I can't promise anything."

"Promise me you will still love me."

"Always Brian."

"Good because I'll never stop loving you, but in the meantime so we don't have to stress. Why don't we... have a break."

"A break...? For how long?"

"4 years or atleast till you get back."

"That's gonna be hell."

"But we can make it Zoey. I promise."

I started to tear up, more than Q was right now. Little did he know that he can't make that promise. He's gonna have girls all over him since he's famous and I'm gonna be studying, not worrying about boys. It's gonna be hard for 4 years to still love each other like we do now. I know I'll love him but will he love me? He pulled me into a hug and after I walked out without saying a word, I could hear the guys asking what happened but Q was crying to hard to say anything. Why do even the brightest days have to have a storm to block out the sun? I ran home and went to my room.

I just cried, cried and cried till the next morning. I told my parents everything, Q wasn't even there to say goodbye to me. I gave them one last hug, got in my car and was on my way. College here I come! A young girl with a broken heart.

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