Chapter 13.

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I woke up to find that I was all covered up on the couch and Brian was gone. Did he abandon me? That would be a smart idea to get rid of me. I smelt the most amazing smell. I followed it into the kitchen.

"Hey look who's up. I made breakfast." said Q

"Wow this is incredible." I looked at a fully set table for 2. It was beautiful

"Surprised you got up at 10. I thought you'd sleep till noon."

"Yeah well I get up early no matter what."

"Oh your mom called you at 7. I answered so she wouldn't be worried and so the ringing wouldn't wake you. Hope that's ok."

"Yea thank you, what did she say?" I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"She was wondering when you were coming home and if you were ok."

"Oh okay. When are we going home. Sorry for these questions." I started to eat. He sat down across from me.

"That's alright. As soon as we finish breakfast we can head on the road. If you want."

"Ok, man you sure can cook."

"Well when my future wife is too tired, I want to do sow thing good for her."

"Aw that's cute. Have you thought about who that might be?"

"I have thought of it before honestly. I can't find anyone who actually likes me for me though."

"Maybe she's right under your nose."

"I hope so." He smiled

We ate breakfast and then I went to the bathroom and took a shower, I changed back into my clothes. Q was already dressed and looked nice. I was probably a wreck. Q kept looking at me. He picked me up, and kissed me. After he put me down, he started kissing me again, and lifting up my shirt. I stopped kissing him, and looked at him with a worried face, shook my head a little, and backed up slightly. He seemed to ignore it.

"Brian." I said

"What's wrong?"

"I can't do this. Not now."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"No it's just that I don't want to make love with a friend."

"A friend?"

"Well we aren't dating so what are we?"

"You're right. We should wait till you're ready. Damn I'm such a fool." He slammed his fist on the table.

"No it's ok. Don't worry about it."

"I shouldn't take advantage of you, I'm way older than you too."

"I love you." I kissed him.

"So ready to go home?" he asked

"Ugh I don't even want to leave. It's so beautiful."

"Haha well we kinda have to, so come on."

I sat back in the car. He sat and started it up. We were on our way home. Ugh I really loved yesterday but if only he asked me out, that would've been the icing on the cake! It was such a long drive home, what was I going to do in a car for like 5 hours??

"Are you cold?" asked Q turning down the AC

"Nah I'm good."

"Maybe we can hang out again sometime, along with the guys so they don't feel left out."

"Sounds fun, sure!"

We drove awhile till, I started recognizing the road. We were close. I was so bummed. I wanted him to ask me out but now I have to wait, wait how long!?

"Zoey, every day that I'm with you I don't want to end. I can imagine us together. You have literally changed my life, you think you are just a fan that's in love with me but I'm just a comedian that in love with you." he grabbed my hand. I smiled.

"That's sweet but remember like I told you. Drive with both hands."

"I want to hold your hand for the rest of my life."

"You won't have a rest of your life if we crash cause you're driving with one hand."

"Haha ok." He took his hand back.

"You should know the rules by now Q, I'm younger but smarter."

"Oh sassy much."

"I woke up sassy. Don't judge."

"Hope Sal's not rubbing off you too much. I have had enough of that guy."

"He's nice though."

"You haven't known him as long as I had."

"Wait Q..." I said


"Isn't tomorrow... September 1?" I asked

"Yeah." He said softly

"You're going on tour tomorrow aren't you?"

"Yea I am. We can text and stuff."

"I hope, that means schools starting in just a couple of days! I am not prepared." I started crying

"No don't cry. Please Zoey."

"I'm sorry, I just hate school. It causes me so much stress."

"It's going to be okay. Just know I'm here for you all time time."


We arrived in our neighborhood. I gave Q a kiss and a hug and went inside my house. My mom greeted me with a warm hug.

"How was it hunny?" she asked

"So fun! Hope you weren't worried."

"No I knew you were in good hands."

"Well I'm gonna go rest."

"Oh your curtains came, they are up already."

"Aw I kinda don't want them now."

I went upstairs and sat on my bed. I told Alex everything. She told me this hilarious story, she was vacuuming and her charger was on the floor and she accidentally vacuumed it up, when she opened the vacuum to get it, it was destroyed. I started laughing so hard.

I changed into some shorts and a loose crop top. I threw my hair into a messy bun and layed in my bed. Those curtains blocked out a lot of sun and mostly blocked out Q. I don't want the guys to leave! It's gonna suck not being able to see them, even if I only see Q. I spent the whole day laying in bed. My dad knocked on the door, which was when I realized it was 10.

"You're back!" He said

"No I'm not here at all." He kissed me goodnight and left. I decided no point on watching tv, so I just went straight to sleep.

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