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He comes in wearing black shorts and a vest. He's not putting in much effort but he looks like a snack.
As much as I'd wanna have him, my baby needs what's in his hand.
I take the plastic from him as he follows me inside the house.
"You really have forgotten your manners", He says.
I roll my eyes as I sit my ass down with the tub of ice-cream.
He's looking at me while I'm indulging in its deliciousness.
"Why are you looking at me? "
His focus is on me or rather, on my chest.
"You're just so... God, this pregnancy really has you beaming "
I try not to blush. I can see in his eyes that he means it.
"And horny too", I admit and he's not surprised because I've always been a no filter kind of talker.
"You're not the only one. I think we share the same sentiments in that regard", he says with his eyes fixed on mine. He's really seducing me with his sexy voice and it's working.
"Spend the night with me" he commands and I just nod.
He comes to my side and plants a kiss on my lips.
"I love the coldness of your lips" he says, in a seductive tone.
I want to feel him inside of me already.
He kisses me yet again, this time deepening the kiss and our soldier ends up kicking, making him break it.
"Woah "
I giggle as he exposes my stomach then feels with his hand.
"He likes when the parents play" I say and we both chuckle.
I'm wearing just my night garment which is short since its summer.
He takes my hand and we go out, with me making sure to lock the door.
Cindi was very tired as she had just knocked off.
She worked very long hours but the pay was good.
She got into her room and took a shower. She was staying at the hotel.
She wondered how she'd be able to survive the whole month working here. She missed not doing anything but she also needed the money.
Bongi had really come through for her and she was grateful.
She called Luke after her shower, who answered in a very sleepy tone.
"I'm sorry for waking you up"
"It's OK. How are you? "
"I'm good. I miss you so much ", she meant it
Being away from him had made her heart grow more fonder. She loved that she could now be with him with no worrying about Siya finding out.
"I miss you too baby. I wish you were here with me. It's so cold and empty without you"
He was sincere. It broke his heart having her so far away.
"I know. Can't you come here? Maybe for the weekend "
She was hoping he agrees and he had been waiting for her to ask him
"I'll come on Friday. I would love that "
She had something to look forward to and with him here, she would finally be able to go shopping.
She slept with a smile on her face.
My my my. I had the best night ever.
I think I've been given enough love to last me a lifetime.
Siya just makes every time exceed the last.
It's crazy but I love it.
Alexis comes in and immediately looks down after seeing me.
I just laugh. She's wearing clothes from yesterday which tells me she didn't sleep here.
"Hai girl, no need to be all ashamed"
She laughs and shakes her head.
"Hello Yaya"
I pat the space next to me so she can come sit.
I can't wait to hear this.
"I'm waiting. Pray tell"
I say, squinting my eyes and she giggles.
"I came here last night and you weren't here. I tried calling your phone but it rang inside. I had not left with my key "
she's speaking so fast like she's nervous.
"You slept with him? "
She nods, biting her lip and I scream.
"Shh, not like that ", she says with a giggle and I'm confused.
"I don't understand "
I mean it.
"We slept in the same bed yes but we didn't... You know "
Now I get her.
"But why? "
I'm curious to know.
"It's too early. Enough about me, why did you disappear like that?"
She's now The one squinting her eyes which makes me laugh.
"I was with Siya. I called him for ice-cream and he came here looking like a snack. I ended up leaving with him and the rest like they say, is history" I say with a smirk.
She chuckles.
"I never imagined you getting back with him that easily "
She says while looking at me with a frown.
"What? No. We're not back together. He's still going to grovel first for that. Right now, I'm just Letting myself enjoy his dick"
I mean it. He hurt me a lot and me forgiving him doesn't mean we're back together.
"Are you sure? " , she asks. I can hear in her voice that she's concerned.
"Yes. I can't go through that pain again Lex. I just can't "
She nods. I love that she gets me.
"Now back to you, when are you giving up the cookie? "
She laughs and pushes me a little.
She's so happy and it's so contagious.
I hope Romeo doesn't hurt her.
She deserves all the love in the world.
She's an amazing soul and I'd be lying if I said I know where I'd be if I didn't have her in my life.

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now