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Siya has been smiling ever since he saw the 3D scan video. He couldn't stop kissing my hand and I let him be.
We had never really talked about having kids but I am glad he feels this way about his son.
"So doc, can I talk to you in private? "
Siya gives me a look that's suppose to scare me but I have to be brave.
"Of course " Dr Sokhulu says, who's told me to address him as just Sipho but I prefer doc.
"What do you want to talk about? "
Siya asks and I roll my eyes instead of answering him.
"It's between the doctor and I "
"It's my baby", he replies.
"It has nothing to do with your baby"
I say, pissing him off more. I want to laugh but I have to maintain my serious face.
Siya walks out, after telling me he'll be in his car and Sipho goes to close the door after him.
" Talk to me Yaya"
"I just want to know if having sex at this stage is going to harm my baby"
He chuckles, shaking his head.
"But I would advise you to use protection and to not go overboard. No hardcore sex"
He's so honest, which makes me giggle.
"Do you have a younger brother, doc? "
He laughs but I have to ask. He's too hot but I think old.
"I do, but he's 25"
"Perfect "
I say and we both laugh. He walks me out to the door and we find Siya leaning by it after opening.
He almost falls inside, which makes me laugh.
"Really? "
I ask and he just clicks his tongue. Somehow I'm not surprised that he eavesdropped.
He's quiet as he drives us to what looks like a hotel.
I don't ask until we make our way inside a suite.
"Why am I here? "
"Would you like anything to eat? "
Yeah, he completely ignores my question and my stomach grumbles before I can answer him.
"I think you should take off your shoes and maybe I give you a massage "
As much as I'd like to decline, I need that so I sit on the couch and take off my shoes.
He orders a whole lot of food for us and asks that it be delivered immediately then comes to me.
He's looking at me as he takes my leg and puts it on his thighs.
"What? ", I ask and he shakes his head.
He starts massaging my foot and I close my eyes as I lean back a bit after putting pillows on my back and enjoy the sensation of his hands on my foot.
He goes to the other one and does the same, I even close my eyes as I allow myself to enjoy this.
"Fuck, Yaya"
I don't even know when he got to my face because when I open my eyes, he smashes his lips on me.
I kiss him back because my body wants me to and already, I'm all wet down there.
It doesn't help that I'm wearing a short skirt which has pulled itself up.
He breaks the kiss and looks at me.
I don't care about what he's done to me but rather, I want him to please me and make love to my body.
He's my virgin breaker and baby daddy so I don't see anything wrong with that.
He takes off my top then takes a moment to stare at my breasts. I've always loved how he admires my body and even when he doesn't say it, his eyes always tell me.
"Siyabulela Dhlomo, stop teasing me! "
I feel he's taking this foreplay thing to the extreme and I need to feel him inside me already.
He chuckles and takes off his clothes with me looking at me.
He unzips my skirt which falls to the ground then my underwear. He made me stand.
"Pregnancy has made you extra sexy, fuck! "
He looks at me with his eyes full of desire.
I giggle. He gently lies me on the couch and I stop him as he's about to enter me.
"The Doctor said we should use protection "
"Where do you see it? "
I let him be and as he tries to enter me, I feel a lot of desire rushing over me and my body shivers in excitement.
"It's been eight months "
I tell him and he smirks at me. Eventually, he enters me and I gasp before a moan comes out.
I've been wanting this since I fell pregnant because the hormones were playing with me.
" I slept with Siya "
I announce to Alexis immediately when I get home.
The memories still haunt me and I try not to reminisce too much because I might end up coming.
"And I liked it"
I admit and she chuckles.
"Uhm, wow "
"How can I? I mean, he's married for heaven's sake! "
I say, covering my face and the tears fall. Trust pregnancy to make one dramatic. I'm not usually like this.
"Babe, relax"
She says as she gives me a hug.
"I mean, I let him in and... Oh God "
I wail, pushing her closer to me but not hurting Thando in the process.
She allows me to cry until I'm content and I laugh.
"You're crazy "
She says and we both laugh.
"I know you still love him"
"And he's so good in that department. I'm thinking of using him just for that. He really hurt me"
I admit.
"But he's married "
She reminds me.
"He stays in a hotel. I doubt he would allow us to just make love on the couch while his wife is with him"
"You're right "
"Let me go rest. I'm tired"
I kiss her cheek then go to my room. Siya allowed me to leave with his very big sleepers.
I don't even take off my clothes as I get on my bed and immediately fall asleep.
Siya remained deep in thought, thinking about his love making session with Yaya.
It reminded him of why he fell in love with her and just thinking about her warmed his cold heart.
He regretted ever Letting go of her and hated himself for hurting her like that.
It had been a tough decision for him when he had to choose who to marry and he got more angry as he thought of how stupid he was for choosing Cindi.
"She's going to pay! ", he roared almost breaking his glass of brandy.
He was glad she signed the divorce papers and that there was nothing tying them together.
Yaya's moans echoed in his brain and her face when she came.
He regretted not listening to his father, who warned him about Cindi. He had said that she was no different from her mother who only cared about money and nothing else.
He thought about Ayanda and how she didn't want his money when they started dating. She didn't like him spending on her but when she finally opened up to that and became dependent on him, he left her.
"I'm sorry Yaya" he said, when he realised how he had never apologised to her.
He wasn't good with words, especially when it came to apologising but he knew he owed her that much.
He wanted to earn her trust again and for her to open up her heart for him.
He knew he loved her but had been too blind to see it.
He called her phone, which took him straight to voicemail and he sighed.
He had to find a way to do this.
Days went by and soon, it was the beginning of December.
Cindi was slowly getting used to the life she was living and Luke really tried to make her happy.
Their love was growing but she still hadn't talked to her parents.
Her friend, Bongi came to see her. She was different from her and was married to Luke's friend.
They hugged and got in. His house had three bedrooms, a lounge, kitchen, living room and two bathrooms. It wasn't that small but just not a mansion.
She felt it lacked life and really needed some decor.
"I'm glad to see you're pulling yourself together "
Bongi said, looking at how she was no longer miserable.
"I don't have a choice. I'm no longer a Dhlomo and this is my life now"
She only stayed at home and had to learn to do things around the house.
Siya had hired maids who did everything but she knew that Luke wasn't him.
"I am not staying my friend. Look, don't you want to make some money this festive season? "
Cindi thought of her wardrobe which was dull and this felt like a good opportunity for her.
"I would love to. Do you have something in mind? "
She asked, showing interest.
"There's a hotel that's looking for workers and they're paying good money. It's in Joburg and if the client is happy with you, they can tip you"
Bongi was very excited. This was something her husband had let her know of and she was looking forward to making money.
"I'll have to be a slave? "
Bongi chuckled.
"No. You're given rooms everyday that you have to prepare. It's not too much work because the cleaners do everything "
This sounded like a good opportunity for her so she ended up agreeing.
She was going to find nice clothes in Joburg since Siya would sometimes fly her there for shopping.
She knew that city like she lived in it.
This was something she never imagined and it felt that slowly, her life was coming together.

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now