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Life just always works out in its own way.
I never thought karma existed until now.
I'm with Alexis, ready to do the interviews when I come across a name I clearly recognise.
She wanted people to attach their photos so I know it's her.
Gosh, it's been a lot of work going through all these interviews and because we know the struggle of not finding work, we're not necessarily judging as per qualifications or experience.
"It's Siya's ex"
I say to Alexis who's sitting next to me.
"That's interesting "
She says.
We hear a knock on the door and tell the person to come in.
As soon as her eyes meet mine, her jaw drops to the floor.
"G... Good morning "
I can hear the nervousness in her voice but she should know I don't bite.
I really didn't see the day turning like this.
"Sit down please "
I say and she does.
"Why are you looking for this job? "
Alexis asks and I wait for the answer.
She clears her throat. I can see how uncomfortable she is right now.
"I.. Uhm... I've done a lot of bad things in the past and have never seen the need to do anything for myself. "
She sighed.
"I just... I've lived in regrets for too long now and I believe it's time I took charge of my own life. I don't have any experience, have never worked in my life so this job is a start for me "
She looks down after saying this and Alexis looks at me.
"We'll call to let you know if you made it or not"
I say and she nods then stands up.
"Ayanda I... I'm sorry for everything that I did to you. Trust me when I say I regret ruining your name like that. I lost the love of my life over that and I.. I apologise "
She says and I nod.
"I've long forgiven you Cindi. It's water under the bridge "
"Thank you. Thank you so much "
She says then leaves.
"She sounded sincere "
Alexis says and I nod in agreement.
"Life humbled us both. I've been dependent on Siya before so I know how hard it is to move on from all that luxury. I don't know about you but I think she deserves a second chance "
I say and I mean every word.
"You're right"
Then the drag continues. It's so exhausting and I end up Calling it a day because I miss my son.
Two weeks after the interviews, we've made our selection.
Romeo has to step in since he knows more than us and he was rather strict and full of authority.
The people who walked out looked lifeless and he didn't care.
Some were too desperate, others too demanding and some just weren't convincing enough.
Now, it's back to varsity for me as we opening for the second semester.
It's Sunday and I'm doing my laundry.
We're in the last week of July and I'm kind of looking forward to going back.
"Baby?! "
That's Siya's voice and I know he's entered my flat.
He has the key anyway.
"Laundry room! "
I scream back and soon he makes an appearance carrying Thando.
"He's too big for that"
I say and my son clings onto him which makes us laugh.
He comes to give me a kiss then puts him down.
"I have news"
He announces and I wonder if I'm even looking forward to that.
"What? "
I ask, anticipation killing me.
"I found him. I found your father"
He says and I stare at him blankly.
"What? "
He nods.
I don't know how to feel about this.
This is a man I have never seen so the feelings are mixed.
"Uhm, wow"
And that's all I manage to say.
"You need to thank God for this job mtanam. It might seem like nothing to you but it's He who had mercy on you and gave you a second chance "
My mom says after waking me up from my slumber.
"Mom, I know but I haven't been to church in years. I don't want people staring at me"
This Is merely an excuse. I've gotten used to the stares so they don't bother me anymore.
"Hai suka. Go bath. We're going. If you're my daughter, you'll listen to my command"
So yes, I end up dragging my ass to the bathroom where I take a bath.
When I'm done, I wear a grey wool dress with boots and a jacket because it's cold.
We don't have the luxury of an air conditioner here.
I must say that when I saw Ayanda sitting there on the day I had my interview, I lost all hope of being hired.
After everything that I had done to her, I didn't see a second chance.
Anyway, I was surprised when I got a call that I was hired.
I couldn't believe it and I still can't.
I think it's going to sink in when I'm wearing the uniform and actually working.
She's made breakfast for us so we eat then leave.
Getting there, it's completely the opposite of what I thought.
At first, it's strange for me since I hadn't been in this environment in years but soon, I blend in.
I realise at the end of the service that this is really what I needed
In turning on a new leaf, I know that I need God to guide me through it.
"Thank you for forcing me to come"
I say to my mom as we walk back home.
"It was nice NEH "
She says with a smile and I nod.
"I'm glad I went"
I admit and she just nods.
Arriving at home, I help her with cooking lunch.
As we're about to eat, my little sister comes rocking stilettos that war against the floor.
"Good Afternoon family "
She says and I watch in awe.
"You live here now? "
She says looking at me and I just nod.
"Oh how the mighty have fallen. Hello mother"
I don't even reply.
I last saw her years ago so I'm surprised by this change.. It's like I'm looking at my former self but I'm not even envious.
"I'm getting married "
She says, flashing a diamond ring at us.
"Congratulations "
I say and she rolls her eyes.
"Mom, I'd like you to meet my fiance "
My mom hasn't said anything and had just been looking at her.
The man graces us with his presence and my eyes pop out.
"This is Luke"
She says with a huge grin.
Is this karma? I'm lost for words.

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now