❇️Baby Tournament

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Ta daaaaaaa!

Enjoy guys :)

TRIGGER WARNING: Includes panic attacks and some anxiety later on.

"It is way too early to be alive right now," you yawned into the back of your hand, loosing the fight to keep your eyes open.

"I told you to go back to bed," Kris said. You could hear the smile in her voice.

"Nyyah," you argued unintelligibly, reaching out blindly for the coffee cuo that you knew was somewhere on Kris' desk. Your pink-haired friend took pity on you and pushed your cup into your hands. You mumbled out a noise of thanks and lifted the cup to your lips, eyes still shut. You waited.

"Need more coffee," you fairly whined when none of the sweet, caffeinated substance hit your tongue. Your eyes opened and you saw that there truly was no more of your beloved drink.

You'd woken up earlier than Kris that morning, a purposeful and highly unusual move on your part. It had been a long time since you'd spent any measure of time with your best friend, what with your tempory return home and the World Legues under way. Knowing Kris' schedule would be hectic at the moment and would be staying that way for a while, you'd set your alarm and woken up before the sun. One trip to the kitchens later and you were knocking, or rather kicking, at Kris' office with a breakfast tray in your hands.

It was fun in all honesty. You'd forgotten how much you loved spending time with your best friend. Originally you'd assumed that you'd eat together while she worked on something or other before everyone else woke, but you were pleasantly surprised when Kris put down her paper work and pushed it to the side. She helped you arrange the plates and cutlery Ange had given you and together you sat down to a nice little breakfast date between friends. Eventually though Kris had to work, but she was more than happy for you to stay and talk to her. You returned the tray to Ange you went back up to Kris' office with two steaming cups of coffee and settled back down in your chair, but it didn't take long for the drowsiness of your early start to kick back in.

And now you were out of coffee.

Kris said nothing and wordlessly pushed her own half full cup over to you. You wanted to cry.

"Have I told you how much I love you recently?" You batted your eyelashes at her adoringly and took the cup from her with a wide smile on your face.

"Not nearly as much as I deserve," she responded dryly. You'd also forgotten how sarcastic she could get in the mornings apparently.

"I'll make sure to set a daily reminder," you winked, taking a long mouthful from the still warm cup. Damn you were greatful that she took her caffeine the same way you did. Whatever witty retort she'd been about to come out with was interrupted by her phone ringing suddenly.

No matter how many times you saw it happen, it always amazed you when you witnessed Kris switch into her 'professional mode.' All previous traces of amusement would disappear like they'd never existed in the first place and she'd always give you a pointed look. Kind of like the one she was giving you now.

You held a hand up defensively. You had your coffee, you were happy. You wouldn't be making her life difficult any time soon.

"Hello, this is Kristina Kuroda. With whom am I speaking?" There was a long pause as the other person spoke. "Yes, I have. How can I help you?"

There was another one of those lengthy pauses. You arched a brow and with your free hand made one of those little blabbing motions that people usually did when someone wouldn't stop talking. Kris rolled her eyes at the person on the other end and you smirked with self-satisfaction, miming shooting yourself. At this point, Kris shot you one of those looks of her's that honestly made you fear for your immediate well being, so you stopped being snarky and dutifully devoted your attentions to finishing off the coffee she had so generously donated to your cause.

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