❇️New Arrivals

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This has been ready and waiting for a while now, I just honestly forgot that I hadn't hit publish 😅

For reasons unknown to you, you were seemingly destined to never sleep in. You'd been up for most of the previous night worrying about your brother. He'd been over the moon when you gave him Kris's letter of invitation to join up with BC Sol, and he was meant to arrive yesterday afternoon.

You'd been so excited to finally have your little brother with you, and you were proud of him for achieving the dream he'd had since he was only five years old. Originally, you'd intended on being the one to pick him up from the airport, but Kris had insisted on seeing the doctor about your shoulder injury, and unfortunately the only time he was free to see you was the exact same time that Valt's plane was scheduled to land. As you had reluctantly agreed to put your wellbeing first, Kris had decided to send one of the junior members to meet Valt and make sure that he safely got to El Astro on time. The kid's name was Kit, and he was Honey's best friend. You knew him through your friendship with Honey's older sister Shasa, who you had naturally gravitated to, considering that she was one of the only decent female Bladers on the team. You weren't no where near as close to her as you were with Kristina, but she was a solid friend who you knew you could count on.

Kit had left around the same time as Doctor Ironwood had arrived. It was lucky for you that neither Free nor Kris were in the room with you, because one of them would have surely blow a fuse at the scolding you received from the doctor. The older man was nice enough, but he was stern, so you couldn't really blame him for be angry with you when he realised that you'd actually manage to re-tear something in your shoulder that you couldn't remember the name of.

Knowing that there was no use in denying the obvious, you admitted to each and every one of the Bey Battles you had participated in back home. Ironwood seemed confused. According to him, only your battle with Lui should have been enough to exacerbate the injury, but based on what you told him, the two of you hadn't fought for long enough to actually do the amount of damage that he could see present. He then proceeded to ask you if you had done anything remotely strenous over your holiday period that could have hurt you, even without your knowledge.

"Weeeeeell," you dragged out the word, wondering if he would actually believe your story, considering how unrealistic it sounded. To be fair, most people wouldn't think that an eleven year old would get an insane sugar high on soft drink and wreak havoc in the ball pit, but then again, you still didn't quite believe it either, even though you'd been there when it happened.

At Ironwood's arched brow, you caved, and reluctantly spilled to him the enitre story about that day in the FunLand Arcade, and how you'd been forced to dive into the ball pit and hunt down your brother. To his credit, the doctor didn't question you, though you swore you could see the briefest of smiles tug at his lips. He scribbled out a prescription for some high strength pain killers, and recommend a gel to rub on your shoulder every night before bed or whenever the injured limb was giving you hassle. You thanked him for his time and saw him out, but when you got to the doors, he dropped something on you.

"And no competitive Bey Battles young lady," he ordered, the sharp look he narrowed you with immediately wiping away any traces of a pout that might have been forming on your face. You wanted to argue, but you knew that it would be no use, and in all honesty, you were scared of permanently damaging yourself. "Light training is fine, but nothing too strenuous or competitive. If I so much as hear a whipser about you competing in the World Legues this year, I'll call your manager and make her drop you from the line up. Understood?"

Fired Up {HIATUS} Lui x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now