❇Astra Vortex

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You took a deep breath and sat on the wooden bench, waiting for your name to be called.

This was it.

Everything had finally paid off, everything had led to this moment. You could scarcely believe that you were really here.

The Finals for the Japanese Internationals.

Jesus Christ you were only eleven.

So many other people had been competing. Children ages ten to eighteen. And yet here you sat, a small girl of only eleven years, waiting to compete for the top spot in Japan.

You looked down at your Bey in your hand.

Astra Vortex.

The bolt was midnight blue with a white cursive A etched onto it. The attack ring was the prettiest shade of ultramarine and the weight disk was silver. The spin gear and performance tip matched the ultramarine.

You may have been bias, but Astra Vortex was the best looking Bey you had seen. Not to over the top, but not too simple. Elegant, gorgeous but still understated.

Not to mention the fact that it was a powerhouse.

The two of you had an unbreakable bond formed over years of companionship.

Your parents had purchased it for you at the age of three, and you had been Blading for as long as you could remember.

While it felt unbelievable that an ordinary girl such as yourself had made it so far, at the same time, with Astra at your side, you were sure you could win.

"(Y/N) Aoi to East Entrance," a voice directed you over the speaker system.

You took several deep breaths and made your way to the east enterance where you would shortly emerge.

And when you did? You would take out Astra Vortex and battle your heart out.

This was it, and you wanted to win this with every fibre of your being.

A auburn haired woman with an earpice and a clipboard bustled over and bent down to check up on you.

"Are you ready sweetie?" The red head smiled brightly.

You nodded.


Another nod.

"Don't be," she encouraged. "Get out there and do your best."

"I will," you promised.

"That's great," the red head said. "Because you're on now."

She chuckled as your eyes comically widened.

With another good luck, she hurried off.

Moments later, the doors open and smoke billowed around your form as you stepped out.

"She's sweet, she's strong, here she is folks in all her sass and sparkle, it's  (Y/N) Aoi!"

People screamed as you stepped into view.

The second your foot hit that stage, all of your nerves seemed to diminish as though they had never been there in the first place, just like they always did.

The butterflies that had been doing gymnastics routines in your stomach had turned into bright fireworks of excitement.

All your hours of training, every single seconds worth had all led up to this, all of it had finally paid off.

And here you were.

Your opponent was already waiting for you.

A big, strong, teenaged seventeen year old boy with a closely cropped black buzz cut and fierce orange eyes.

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