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*sneaks in and places new chapter beside you*

*grins that you can no longer see the last date of my update*

*runs out before you can start throwing things*

Things have changed a bit since you last read this chapter in my one- shot series, nothing to huge, but a few things here and there. Oh, and let's pretend that your family is sitting in a different area than to where Valt's friends are.

ALSO! I just watched Alex Strangelove last night, has anyone else seen it??

It's MA15+, but I'd definatley recommend watching it, it is a beautiful movie about this boy Alex who is in a rush to lose his virginity to his girlfriend Claire, but then he meets this adorable, gay highschool graduate Elliot and things get complicated.

Anyways yeah, Claire is an angel, Dell is hilarious, Alex is an awkward smol and Elliot is an adorable bean.

"Come on Valt, you can do this!" You screamed madly from your spot in the bleachers, alongside your family.

It had been about four months since you had last set foot in Japan, the last time being to celebrate the Christmas season, and even only that had lasted a total of six days. Ordinarily you wouldn't have taken an impromptu vacation, but a set of special circumstances had arisen.

Valt, your precious little brother, had actually made it into the International Finals. Ever since your own victory five years ago, each title had been snatched up by a vicious new Blader by the name of Lui Shirasagi, who was commonly referred to as being at the top of the food chain.

You had not heard a great deal of good things about the fearsome Blader, and could clearly remember an incident a few years ago, where Lui had injured Shu. When Valt had called to tell you what had happened, you had flown into a blind rage, and very nearly booked a flight home. It had taken quite alot of convincing and soothing for you to calm down, but even so, merely recalling the event caused you to grit your teeth.

However, it was a much more recent occurrence that had angered you the most. Lui had insulted Valt, and his integrity as a Blader. He was blatantly disrespectful to all with the exception of a select few. And, not even a week earlier, Lui had committed an act that something you had previously thought unthinkable. He had shattered Storm Spryzen. Not just a burst, not even a chip or a scratch. He had shattered the Bey into pieces, and laughed in amusement as he did so.

Even the thought of shattering a Bey subconciously made you reach for Astra Vortex in sympathy. You would admit, albiet reluctantly, that Lui was a skilled Blader. But no matter how good he was in the stadium, he was nothing more than a bully.

Still, despite how talented Lui was famed to be, Valt and Valtryek seemed to be winning. The final round had already begun, with one of the very best launches you had seen from Valt yet. From what you could see, Luinor was losing its speed, while Valtryek, still going strong and powering towards it.

"Come on Valt!" You shrieked. "Win this thing!"

Your excitement disolved into horror as Luinor hit a crack in the stadium, made by Valtryek at the beginning of the battle. With a burst of speed, Luinor collided with Valtryek head on.

Already you knew what was going to happen, but even so, you couldn't help but wince and fall silent as Valtryek burst.

"Luinor wins with a burst finish," the referee announced. "The match goes to Lui Shirasagi with a final score of four to two."

You heart strings tugged painfully as it was made official, and other members of the audience cheered for Lui. But, to your great shock, Lui approached Valt with Luinor held out in front of him, demanding a rematch.

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