What a Weird Day

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During my history class, Mason, Jasmine, Jackson, and I all talked about random stuff. We were talking about our project, new music discoveries, and even planning some days where we could do some fun activities together. We have all started to become good friends. At least that's how I see it. I hope they feel close enough to me to where they feel that they can call me a friend too.

When it was our turn to present our project, Jasmine and I did most of the talking while Jackson and Mason held up pictures and showed a few diagrams. I wasn't surprised when Jackson and Mason told us to do all of the talking. Jackon hates talking in front of a lot of people and Mason just doesn't really like talking in general.

As soon as class was over, I rushed to my locker to get there before all of the other annoying freshmen went to their lockers. These people think that they have more priority over others, so the push others out of their way just to get to their lockers. Selfish much. They could at least wait ten seconds until the people with lockers right next to them are done.

I got to my locker just in time and replaced my history book for my math book and cleared out of the locker area before the chaos began.

"Hey stranger." I heard behind me as someone covered my eyes with their hands. It was a deep voice so I'm guessing that it's a guy. "Guess who?"

"God." I said, but I couldn't contain my laughter.

"Close." He said before retrieving his hands from covering my eyes and spinning me around to face him. "I know that I am a god, but I'm not THE God."


"So about that surprise I have for you-"

"Tris, you know I hate surprises. Just tell me what it is!" I scream and shake his shoulders.

"Not yet. You will see it on Saturday." He says with a mischievous smirk.

"Saturday? Aww I can't." I say with a pout. "I'm taking another shift at the hospital. Candy is going to Orlando to spend time with her Grandma, so she asked me to cover for her."

"Oh that's too bad because the surprise has something to do with Disney..."

"What!?" I scream catching the attention of everyone in the hallway.

"So anyways, I already went into your work to ask someone to cover for you for covering for Candy." He said before furrowing his eyebrows. "That came out strange..."

I ignore the last part and screamed and jumped into his arms. "I can't believe you! You are amazing!" I give him a kiss on the cheek before jumping out of his arms and racing to my math class. "I can't wait for Saturday!" I scream to him as I go farther down the hallway.

"Me either!" He yells back.




During math, my lab partner form chemistry last year, Kirsten, sat down next to me.

"Oh hey Kirsten. I didn't know you were in Pre-Calc." I say as she drops her backpack on the floor.

"Yep. I took an extra math class over the summer so that I can get more credits. Plus, I want to take Calculus senior year instead of in college." She says flipping her straight hair over her shoulder.

"That's smart." I said as I took out my pencil and calculator.

"I know right? I got really smart over the summer." She said fixing her tank top.

Something was off about her. Last year, she would always complain to me about girls who straighten their hair, wear makeup, and dress in girly clothes to impress others. I told her that girls do it for themselves, but she didn't believe me. She always thought people tried to look good only for the purpose of gaining romantic interests. She also had said that she would never become one of those girls who dress for others. Now look at her. I could obviously tell that something has changed, but I didn't want to make her mad by mentioning it.

"So, I heard that you are dating Tristan, the best baseball player at this school." Did she really have to mention that? "Are things going good?"

"Yeah. He actually-"

"That's great." She rudely butted in before I could tell her about Saturday. "Did you know that I found a guy this summer too?"

"Oh really? That's great-"

"Yeah I know. He is really great." She said before trying to look off into the distance like some cliche 90s movie.

"So... What's his name?" I ask trying to be interested because she seemed to be really excited about this new guy of hers.

"Oh you wouldn't know him. We actually had to break up because of distance issues. He lives in Italy so..." She says before shrugging.

"Wow. Did you go there this summer?"

"No. He came here. We met at Universal Studios and spent the whole day together. Then we spent a whole week together throughout LA. It was amazing. But then he had to go back home and we had to break it off." She said surprisingly happy.

"Well that was a great story-"

"Are we ready to learn some Pre-calculus or what?" Our teacher said sassily.

"I will tell you all about it some other time." She whispered to me with a wink.

Oh wow... I can't wait for that. (Note the sarcasm.)




"Hey, Jordan! I'm home!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

I get up from my desk chair in my room and rush down the stairs to tell her about what Tristan is doing for me on Saturday. As I was midway down the stairs I start the story. "Mom, you will not believe what Tris-"

I stopped short due to a surprise guest at the bottom of the stairs next to my mom.

"Hey Jordan. This is Tim." She said gesturing to the tall, dark haired man in the suit next to her.

"Hi." He said waving.

I stood still where I was, waiting for my mom to continue introducing him. "Tim was your dad's best friend back in college."

Oh thank goodness! I thought mom was about to say that she was going to start dating him. After all, it has only been about a week since we had that conversation.

"Hello." I say to him.

"Honey. This man is the reason why I asked you about dating again."

I guess I spoke too soon.

Author's Note
So what do you think? I know this chapter is updated way too late, but the only reason I have time to write it is because of AP testing. This is what I call procrastination at its height. Anyways, hopefully I will be able to update more frequently now that my lacrosse season is over. Please let me know if you want me rad any of your stories!

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