School is Better with Friends

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I'm sitting in my first class of the new school year. I am glad the techer had assigned my seat next to Mason. Well, I'm not happy that we didn't get to pick our own seats, but at least I was able to sit next to Mason like I wanted to anyways.

The bonus is that we were sitting in the back of the classroom. That meant that we can talk all we want with the teacher barely noticing us. This is going to be a fun year.

"So how are you liking the school so far?" I ask Mason in a hushed tone.

"Alright." He said simply. This was going to be a lot harder than I previously assumed it would be.

"That's good. Did you meet anyone yet?"

"No." He said shifting in his seat.

"You can sit with me and some other people at lunch if you want. Maybe you will have some classes with them."

"Okay." He said sinking down a little in his chair.

Well then. He didn't want to talk much? Yeah, I'm going to change that. I'm going to change that right now.

"...And that assignment is due next week on Friday." The teacher finished.

What!? An assignment due next Friday!?

"Mason!?" I whisper loudly to catch his attention and shake his shoulder. This attracts the attention of the people sitting in front of us with weird expressions plastered on their faces. They just shake their heads and turn to face forward and take notes on what the teacher is saying... nerds.

"What." He states simply and looks at me with a blank stare.

"What was the teacher talking about!? I spaced out." I whisper really fast, waiting for his reply.

"We have to do a project." He says then faces forward.

"Oh, okay." I said thinking for a second. "What is it on?"

He huffed before facing me once again. "Are you serious?"

What? I put on a confused look as he continued.

"What make you think you can talk to me?" He says with a serious tone.

"Uh..." I don't know what to say to that other than that was extrememly rude.

He lets out a light chuckle. "So much for knowing your movies."

"Okay class." The teacher says interrupting our conversation, but actually gaining my attention this time. "I will give you the last few minutes of class to discuss with your peers about who you decide to be in your group. Also, you and your group should decide the historical figure you are going to research so that you can get started right away." He took a breath before concluding. "Is that clear?"

"Yeah." Most of the class said simultaneously except for Mason and I.

The teacher nodded before he sat down in his chair to type away on his computer.

Maybe this is my chance to get closer to Mason. "Do you want to be in a group together?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says not even bothering to look at me when he answered.

I guess I can live with that answer. It was a start.

Just as I was about to ask Mason what he meant earlier, a girl came up to us with a guy trailing behind her who had hipster glasses. I had seen her around school before, but I couldn't remember her name. "Hey, do you have a group yet?" She asked me.

"So far my group only consists of Mason and I." I say feeling weird that I actually said the word 'consists.'

"Do you both want to be in a group with Jackson and I?" She asked.

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