Breaking Down the Walls

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Dedicated to @Justsimplyconfused because she got my reference! :)


It was Sunday and the group and I finished the project so quickly, that it was only 10 o'clock in the morning. We met at 9 this morning to get the finishing touches all done, but it only took an hour to finish.

"So, what do we do now?" Jackson asked, adjusting his sitting position on the couch.

"I don't know... We can all hang out for the day if you guys want?" I say looking at each of them.

"I'm down for that." Jasmine says and looks between Jackson and Mason for an answer.

"That sounds chill." Jackson states and leans back in his chair while sending a glance towards Mason, waiting for an answer.

"Okay." He says as he puts away his part of the project in his binder.

"You don't talk very much, do you." Jasmine asks simply.

His only reply was a slight head nod.

"Well," Jasmine says breaking the silence, "I on the other hand like to talk a lot-"

"Oh really? I haven't noticed." Jackson says sarcastically and rolls his eyes.

Jasmine looks enraged and grabs the pillow next to her abruptly and throws it at Jackson. She missed, but the way she showed her anger was pretty funny. Just as the pillow whizzed past his head, Jackson looked behind him at the pillow and then started to hysterically laugh as he turned back to face us. "I can't believe you missed!" He managed to say between laughs.

This angered Jasmine even more so she grabbed another pillow to throw at him, and this time, she hit him square in the face. Jackson's laughter immediately stopped. "You hit me." He said quietly, with wide eyes as he looked at her.

"Well you made fun of me so I guess we are even." Jasmine says while crossing her arms and looking the opposite direction.

Just as Jackson was about to add his input once more, I interrupted the argument. "How about we watch a movie? Does that sound good?" I ask partly to change the subject, and partly because I really wanted to have some popcorn.

"Sure! What movies do you have?" Jasmine asked completely forgetting about the argument that she was just in. She quickly stood up and walked over to a pile of movie cases.

I got off of the couch too, but I passed her to walk towards the closet. "Probably every movie ever made." I say when I open the closet.

"Oh... my... god..." Mason says in amazement.

"He speaks!" Jackson exclaimed.

Mason ignored Jackson's comment as he jumped off of the couch to rush over to the closet.

You see, this closet was no ordinary closet. This closet was filled with a whole bunch of movies that were organized by Videos, CDs, and Blue rays and they were in alphabetical order. And to add to the awesomeness, it was a walk in closet.

Mason skimmed the movies, tracing them with his finger as he read the title of each as he continued to search.

"Sick collection." Jackson said before walking in the closet to look at the movies himself. "But why don't you just have Netflix?"

"My mom likes to buy the actual movies. She has always been interested in collecting movies ever since she was little, so she wants to continue her collection. It's like her hobby." I say as Jasmine walks into the closet to check it out for herself.

"Well, since there are two girls here, we should watch a romantic movie." Jasmine says as she plucked Never Been Kissed off of one of the shelves.

"Aw hell no!" Jackson yells, slapping the case out of her hands. Luckily, it fell onto a pillow so it didn't break. "I'm not watching that!" He exclaims. "300 is way better than any rom-com." He says holding up the movie 300.

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