The New Kids In Town

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It' been a month since Sam has moved to New York. We both kept our promise to FaceTime each other every Friday night and when we FaceTime, its like she is in the room with me and we are talking like we normally do.

I have begun spending time with Tristan now. He has been a good friend to me and is helping me forget that Sam isn't here anymore. He has taken me mini golfing, bowling, out to ice cream, to the beach, and so much more. He has become my best friend at home. He was my friend before, but now we have gotten so much closer. The other day, he asked me out on a date, and I said yes of course. He seems like the perfect guy for me and I didn't know why I didn't realize it sooner.

Even though Tristan has been spending a lot of time with me lately, I have also been volunteering at the hospital a lot more now. I have been helping the injured children and checking up on them. The best part about my job is to make the kids laugh. Laughing always helps any kind of sickness and it is the cure for so many things. The doctors at the hospital won't let me help with the sick children yet because I have to get the right shots. The main reason why I decided to help the kids is because of Jake. Jake is not at my house everyday like he was a year ago. He is all the way across the country and I just wish he came back home. Helping the kids around his age makes me think that I am helping him. It makes me feel like he is right with me. Of course I would never want him to be injured, but I would treat him the same way I treat the children at the hospital: make him laugh.

Today, I was going to check up on a 12 year old girl who broke her arm while falling off her skateboard.

"Hello." I said, walking into her hospital room to see a small girl with an elbow cast. "My name is Jordan. What's your name?"

"Um, my name's Tracy." She said quietly.

"Well Tracy, I heard you had a nasty fall down a steep hill, right?"

"Yeah." she mumbled back.

"At least you were wearing a helmet." I said, trying to make her think positive.

Just as she was about to answer, a tall dark haired boy with a perfect jaw line and toned muscles walked in the room. I have to say, he looked pretty damn attractive.

The girl squealed,"Mason! You made it!"

"I came as fast as I could." He said leaning down to kiss Tracy on the top of her head. He then took a seat in one of the chairs next to the hospital bed. "Where is dad?" he asked Tracy.

"He went to the bathroom." She told him.

There was a silence and the boy looked over at me. He gave me a questioning look.

"Hello. I'm Jordan. I was here to keep Tracy company, but it looks like her brother is here, right?" I say getting up from my seat by the end of the hospital bed.

"Yeah, I'm her brother." He simply replys.

"Okay, cool." I say not knowing what else to say. I then turn towards Tracy. "The doctor will be back with the pain medicine in a few minutes. It was nice meeting you Tracy."

"Okay. It was nice to meet you too." She said with a smile.

"Bye" I say to her and glance at her brother for a split second before turning to leave the room.




When I got home, I was greeted by my mother who was stirring something in a pot in the kitchen. "Hi, honey. How was your day at the hospital?"

"It was fine. Luckily there were no serious injuries today. Only some brakes and sprains." I say setting my car keys on the counter and pull out my phone to see a text from Tristan.

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