Chapter 25

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"Ok looking at the charts it look like you're results came back positive" the phone dropped to the bed "Th-Thank you have a nice day....." I pushed the end call button and looked at Sam. He looked just and shocked as me, I broke down and started crying. My face fell into my hands and Sam hugged me. "How did this happen? I'm 100% sure I wore a condom every time" when he said this I cried harder knowing it wasn't his.

"It's not........ I......" I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out, Sam held me until I calmed down enough to talk. "Sam...... I think it's Colby" he let go of me and sighed, "when" he seem sad but I grabbed his hands. "Its was before you and I Sam I promise." He looked me in the eyes and nodded. "Well what are we going to do?" He hugged me again kissing my forehead. "Well I'm going to keep it...... I'll have to tell Colby....." I wiped my eyes and hugged Sam.

"Ok I'll be here for you through it Y/n"  Sam released me from the hug and kissed me. "Thank you..... how do I tell Colby...." I started getting nervous and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Sam chased after me and helped me "we can invite him over and tell him." I looked at Sam and furrowed my brows "he still doesn't know we are together he's going to flip...." I looked at the ground then back at Sam who shrugged and said oh well.

Sam called Colby and told him that he needed to talk to him, he said he could come over in an hour so it was time to wait around some more. We watched tv as we waited for Colby to come over. "How are we going to tell him" I asked looking at Sam. "I'm not sure we'll just wing it" he kissed my cheek and changed the channel.

I felt my stomach drop when I heard a knock on the door, Sam got up and opend the door. "What's up brother" Colby said walking in. "Oh hey Y/n" he plopped down on the couch and looked at us both. "So what did you need to tell me Sam?" I took a deep breath and looked at Colby.

"Sam and I are dating...." the words few out of my mouth before i could think of a better way to tell him. He looked shocked the. Nodded "I uh... I cant say I'm happy about that but I cant stoppe you two.... " he looked at Sam and back at me. "That's not all....." my voice was just above a whisper at this point as my stomach flopped my nerves started getting the best of me.

I started having a panic attack right there on the couch. My breathing became rapid and my body started shaking, Colby sat next to me and put his hand on my back. I forced myself to calm down and looked at  Colby with tears in my eyes. "I.....I'm pregnant.....and I think you're the father" Colby didnt say a word he just stood up and began pacing rubbing the back of his neck.

"Say something please...." I stood up grabbing Colby's arm. He looked at me and sighed "how sure are you that its mine" I not my lip and looked down "like 99% sure.... I think it happened the last time" he nodded "what are you going to do..." I looked up at him and shrugged. "I plan on keeping it"

"Ok then I plan on being there for you and the baby..... I'll be a good dad I promise" he hugged me and I smiled. I heard Sam clear his throat and I wiped the tears away. "We'll both be great dads" I laughed at what Colby said and walked over to Sam kissing him. This went better than I though it would.

I headed back to my apartment to tell Liz and call my boss. Colby walked me to my door from Sam's place, "so you and Sam?" He looked at me weird and I laughed. "Yeah it happened out of nowhere honestly. He came over after Liz's party and poured his heart out it was really sweet" I stopped at my door and smiled at him "hey I'll let you know when my first ultrasound is scheduled so you can see the little alien" we both laughed and I walked inside.

Liz was on the couch watching friends do I grabbed a soda from the fridge and walked over to her. "Guess what?" She looked at me confused. "What?...." I sat down and smiled "I'm pregnant" she rolled her eyes "yeah and I'm Scarlett Johansson." I slapped her arm. "Elizabeth I'm serious" she paused the show and looked at me. "No shit. Theres gonna be a mini you running around!" I nodded "yeah I just found out" she hugged me and giggled

"I'm going to be an auntie... did you tell Sam" I nodded and looked down "Liz it's not Sam's.... you know when I came and said Colby was in my room..." she looked at me shocked. "What?!" I nodded "yeah but Sam says he wants to be with me and Colby wants to be in the babys life so looks like they're both gonna be fathers." Liz smiled and giggled "Sam and Colby about to embark on their craziest adventure yet" I shook my head and stood up walking to my room.

"Hi Mr. Tarren its Y/n."

"Hey how you feeling? Did you go to the Doctor?"

"Yeah so they ran some test and it turns out I'm actually pregnant"

"Oh wow um congrats."

"Yeah thanks I'm not sure how it will effect work..."

"Hey dont worry about it. You'll just stay in the labs instead of going out on divesvwith us"

"Oh cool well I'll see you tomorrow then have a good rest of your day"

"Thanks, you take it easy. bye."

"I will. Bye"

I walked out to the kitchen and started making so dinner for Liz and I. About halfway through cooking i heard a knock at the door, Liz was i  the shower so I moved the pan to the burner that was off. I opened to door to see Colby standing there with some grocery bags. "Come in I'm cooking" I walked back to the stove and continued cooking. Colby walked over setting the bags on the counter "what's all that?" I asked looking at the bags. "Ok sooo I went on Google and did some research. I got you preggo vitamins, belly lotion, these weird candy things that help you not vomit, some tums.... they say you'll get heartburn. I got you a cute water bottle, your favorite snacks, some peppermint tea, and some really comfy slippers" he had all the stuff he bought layed out on the counter and looked very proud of himself.

I had finished dinner while he was pulling everything out "wow Colby thank you.... you didn't have to do all this." He looked at me and smiled "of course I did, got to make sure you're comfortable and happy so the baby can be happy" I smiled and hugged him he hugged me back and pushed me towards the couch. "Now go sit down! I'll make you a plate" I laughed and did as he said.

"Make yourself a plate too I made enough for us three" Colby soon walked over to me handing me a plate of the stir fry over rice. "Thanks" I took the plate and smiled as Colby sat next to me with his plate. "So what do you think it is?" He asked looking at me as I shoved a spoonful of rice in my mouth. "Mmmmm girl" he nodded "yeah me too"

I feel like Colby would be the type of person that would go overboard when someone is preggo😂😂😂

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora