Chapter 18

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I made a frowny face "booo" I turned the bottle upside down and looked at Sam who was also frowning. "All gone" he stood up and pulled me to my feet. I fell into him as he pulled me up "We shall venture to find another bottle" he said. Liz had left Sam in charge of me and went to mingle. Sam and I both walked inside giggling like teenage girls at a sleepover. He had his arm around me guiding me through the crowd and holding me steady so I wouldn't fall over.

I leaned against the counter as he looked for a bottle we could steal, "AHAh!" He yelled triumphantly holding the bottle up. "Ladies first" he opened the bottle and I tilted my head back, he filled my mouth with tequila and I closed mouth swallowing. I made a face and shook my head "blehh" we both laughed and he took a huge drink. I gasped "what?!" Sam asked worried "I'm sad" I said pouting. Sam hugged me "why?" I pointed "I forgot he was here and why I'm drinking in the first place" Sam looked over at Colby who was watching us with a sad expression.

Sam leaned over "well let's go back outside nobodys out there anymore" I nodded and smiled as Sam took my hand leaning back to the back yard. We sat around the smoldering coals of what used to be the fire, he handed me the bottle and picked up the soda he has brought out for a chaser. I took the biggest drink I could manage then grabbed the soda he was holding out for me. "Tequila sucks" I grumbled after washing it down "Sam I wanna put my feet in the pool" I stood up almost falling backwards. Sam laughed and stood up as well, we walked over to the hot tub and set our things on the brick ledge the separated the pool and the hot tub.

I unzipped my boots and slid them off as well as my socks, I stepped onto the ledge an carefully sat down submerging my feet and most of my legs in the water. Sam followed suit sitting next to me our shoulders touching. I layed my head on his shoulder and sighed "Sam?" I asked sitting up to take a drink of tequila. "Yeah?" He turned to look at me and smiled "are we still going to be friends.... you know now that me and Colby aren't dating.... or are you gonna stop being my friend?" He shook his head and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling my closer. "Dont worry about all that. I'll always be your friend and once you move here I'll make sure to hang out with you as much as I can"

The last thing I remember was sitting by the pool with Sam. I woke up in the hotel bed with Liz who was scrolling through Facebook. "What time is it..... I feel like I got hit by a truck." Liz turned to look at me and smiled "hello sleeping beauty it's like 2pm. And I bet you feel like shit you had a lot of fun last night... I put some advil and Gatorade on your night stand." She pointed to the night stand and I nodded. I popped the advil on my mouth and chugged half the Gatorade "what happened last night? All I remember was sitting by the pool with Sam"

She started laughing "dude you and Sam went swimming and you came inside soaked and started dancing on the counter you made out with some random dude for 100 bucks it was crazy." I stared at her listening to her in shock. "No way..... wheres my 100 bucks?" I pulled out my phone which was also my wallet. "You paid Jake 100 buck to get naked and jump in the pool literally the second you were handed the money" she said laughing. I laughed and shook my head "money well spent I guess." My phone started to ring so I sat up to answer it.

"Miss Y/l/n?" I looked at the caller id the put the phone back to my ear "Yeah? May I ask whose calling" the caller id said unknown number. "Hi yes. This is Mark the real estate agent." I gasped "oh hi Mark how's everything going." "Its going good I just wanted to let you know I've sold the house they said they can move in as soon as it it ready." I gasped and stood up "how soon do I need to be out?" I was excited and worried. "No need to rush I said they should give you about a month to get your things packed and moved out." I said thank you hanging up the phone and turning towards Liz.

"I sold the house!" I exclaimed she jumped out of bed and hugged me. " I can have mom go over and start packing for you?" I nodded and called Sam on facetime. He answered still in bed "hey" he sounded like he felt like shit but I smiled. "Guess who sold their house" he said up and smiled back "no way that's amazing Y/n so you guys are gonna be moving here soon?" I nodded "yeah I'm going to head to the apartment building right now to start signing papers." I was so excited that I totally forgot I was hungover.

Liz and I got dressed and headed to the apartment building to start signing the lease paperwork. On the way I called the research lab to tell them I could start work next month. They were please to hear in would be starting soon and said they would email me my schedule.

I sat at the desk and they told me my earliest move in day would be the first of the month I gave him the money for the down payment. He said I coul pick up my keys on the 1st which was in 10 days. Liz and I decided to enjoy our vacation then head home and finish packing up.

I called my current boss and told him I was quitting without a 2 week notice and hoped he understood why I couldn't wait the 2 weeks. He said it was ok and wished me well at my new job. Liz and I decided to get a ton of junk food and wine and watch movies in the hotel.

I explained the plan to Sam and he said he would ride to texas with us when we left to help me pack and clean the house. Then he could ride back with me to LA when Liz and I drove back. Liz's mom was staying at my house packing and cleaning for me already so we wouldn't have as much to do when we got home.

Liz and I sat on the bed chowing down on burgers, chips, cookies, candy, soda, fried, and fried chicken. We watched family as we ate talking about how excited we were for the move. Liz had scheduled an interview for tomorrow at the research center as an assistant so she and I would be working somewhat together. I told her to have my boss which was her old boss to write her a letter of recommendation to help her get the job since she was a really hard worker. We ended up passing out around 11pm since she needed to be up early for her interview.

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora