chapter 5

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Y/N's POV:

        We pulled up to the house with just enough time to to hang out for a little then head to the hotel to get out tickets before the show. Liz and i laughed as Sam and Colby raced to the bathroom the minute we walked into the house. "Hey i called dibs" Sam said in defeat as he hit the door. I made my way to the couch looking at the outfit i bought for the show smiling "Thats gonna look super good on you dude!". Liz sat next to me on the couch and held up the black crop top that read "Bite me". "Yeah with the leather jacket, my ripped black skinny jeans and my vans?" Liz nodded in excitement she was a huge fashion guru.

        We were later joined on the couch by Jake, Sam and Colby who ended up fighting over the remote and what we were gonna watch. Liz took the remote and flipped on robot chicken earning a sour look from me. "This show blows man" I said rubbing the knot on my head and wincing. I sat leaned against the arm of the couch my foot elevated on a stool with an ice pack on it. Liz and Sam were to busy being infatuated with eachother to notice Jake, Colby and i had left.

      "No not that shirt" Jake and I said in unison sitting on the edge of Colby's bed. Colby frowned tossing another black band shirt onto his couch "Well what should i wear you guys?" He plopped down on his couch with a sigh. I pushed my self off the bed and hopped on my good foot over to his closet and pulled out a plain black shirt and black skinny jeans. "Here simple and black" i tossed him the outfit and grabbed my crutches from by the door.

     "Liz and I gotta go to the hotel and get ready." I said putting my crutches under my arms and leaning forward onto them. "Oh alright.... well I can text you after the show and we can all hit up a restaurant for dinner." He smiled as he spoke. I nodded and headed down the stairs, Liz and Sam were on the couch still cuddling and watching tv. "Elizabeth lets bounce" she kissed Sam on the cheek then opened the front door for me and following me out. "Elizabeth? You haven't called me that since middle school are you doing ok?" I nodded "yeah just a lot going through my head"


    "So you think you're gonna date Sam?" I looked at Liz curiously as she shrugged "Nah just having fun really. Long distance never works for me, I'll probably end things when we go back to Texas." I sighed poor Sam.... Liz could be heartless sometimes i knew that when she said end things she really meant she was gonna ghost him. She never really was good at actually breaking things off with people. I put my new outfit on and put the tickets in my pocket. "Dont hurt him Liz" I walked over to the table grabbing the box of orange chicken. She gave me a look that made me shake my head, I she walked passed me as she left the bathroom fixing her earing.

"He's famous he probably wouldn't care hes got girls crawling after him 24/7. He'll forget about me the day I leave" she spoke in a nonchalant tone picking up her phone to check the time. "Wanna grab dinner before we go? The boys said we can all go to dinner tomorrow because the show ends so late tonight" She asked grabbing me my crutches, I nodded and put my leather jacket on. I put the crutches into my arms and followed Liz out the door of the hotel room.

We climbed into the car and drove to the nearest McDonald'. I order my usual and Liz ordered enough for like 6 people. "What the hell Liz are you going through a growth spur?" I asked baffled by the amount of food she ordered. She chuckled and shook her head "No weirdo sam asked if we could bring Him, Jake, Corey, Aaron,and Colby food. They said they'd meet us at the back of the building" she tried explaining it to me but I zoned out halfway through.

I reached into the center console and pulled out my pain meds, I opened the bottle and poured 2 into my hand and sighed. "They'll help Y/N" Liz glanced at me with the pills in my hand. "I know I just hate drugs.... even if they're prescribed." I said thinking about my mom and how bad drugs messed up her life and how she could never put them down. It was an addiction that cost her- her life, and it all started with pain meds. Sighing once more I tossed the pills into my mouth and washed them down with the powerade, "I'm only taking them when I absolutely half to" I said mainly to myself.

We pulled up to the back of the building and Liz poked me telling me to text Colby, she was grinning ear to ear. 'She's trying a little to hard to set this up' I thought to myself shaking my head.

~Hey you. We're out back with food🍔😋~

I set my phone down and grabbed the food bags and seeting them on my lap, then my phone buzzed.


I chuckled shaking my head.

~🤔🤔 Nevermind I think we're gonna head back to the hotel and pig out till we're comatose~

My phone immediately buzzed repeatedly.

~I joke. I joke~

I laughed and sent him one last text.

~Hurry weirdo~

Shortly after the black steel door opened and Colby peaked out. He squeezed through the small opening like he was trying to be sneaky, Sam peaked out after looking around like he was looking out for anyone. Colby made his way to the car like a total weirdo, he was ninja rolling and laughing.

Ducked under the car window with his back against the door. I leaned my head out the window and laughed "why are you like this" I asked between laughs. He popped up and stuck his head in the window causing Liz the laugh, he grabbed the bags on my lap and nodded to Sam. Sam opened the door and made a go-go sign towards Colby. A few seconds later Jake, Aaron and Corey all came out doing the same rolling at Colby had. Liz and I were sent into fits of laughter.

Colby handed bags to the boys and leaned into the car and grabbed my face with one hand squeezing my cheeks into a fish face. I stopped laughing as he turned my face to look at him, he quickly kissed me and retreated rolling back into the door.

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now