Chapter 13

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I told the boys to head inside while I unsaddled the horses and put them away. I gave the horses some alpha and grain before walking to the house, when I opened the door I could hear my grandma in the kitchen  talking about when I was a kid and how "troubled" I was. I entered the kitchen and hugged Colby from behind as he was watching my grandma dish up playes for the 3 of us. "Y/n would you be a dear and get some silverware put on the table" my grandma said smiling at me. I nodded and grabbed some forks and knifes taking them to the table where Sam was sitting using his phone.

"Food smells good" he looks up and smiles at me and I nod. "Grandma always makes roast when she had guests. Do you want a water or sprite?" He answered water and I returned to the kitchen. Grandma was handing Colby two plates to take to the table and followed with the third plate. I grabbed three water bottles and sat at the table next to Colby, we laughed and talked late into the night.

Around 10pm my grandma said she was heading to bed so the boys and I said out goodbyes and thanked her for dinner. We got into my car and drove back home. "I had fun today" I smiled and looked at Sam in the rearview mirror "yeah good way to spend your Saturday" we all laughed. We were stopped at a red light when Colbys phone rang, I looked down at it and caught a glimpse of the name on the screen. He grabbed his phone and began texting, I chewed my lip thinking about the girl who text. Why was she calling at this hour, I looked at Colby and sighed.

The light turned green and I continued driving, after a few minutes we were pulling into my driveway. We got out and headed inside, I immediately went to the kitchen. Colby followed me and gave me a hug "I'm so happy I came to see you" I laughed a little "me too Colby" I turned opening the fridge grabbing a drink. "So I hate to do this but we have to leave tomorrow night" I looked at him and frowned. He kissed my forehead and I sighed "I understand" we headed into the living room to sit on the couch.

Sam was clicking through the channels on the tv trying to find something to watch. I sat next to Sam and Colby sat next to me, "anything good on?" I propped my feet up on the coffee table and looked over at Sam who shrugged. He turned on family guy and tossed the remote onto the table leaning back on the couch.


I opened my eyes to see the tv was playing robot chicken, I sat up and stretched out. I had fallen asleep on Sam and Colby had fallen asleep with his legs stretched across mine and Sam's lap. I leaned over shaking Colby trying to wake him up, I had no luck. "Why are you such a heavy sleeper" I climbed out from under his legs and stood up. I shook Sam waking him up "hey let's get you to bed" he groaned as I pulled him to his feet dragging him to the spare room.

I moved the covers and let him flop down onto the mattress before covering him back up. I walked back down to Colby and woke him up "bed Colby" I pulled him to his feet and walked upstairs to the bed. We both got in bed and he grabbed me pulling me to his chest. I fell asleep with him holding me like he never wanted to let me go.

I woke up and checked the time, 7:30 ugh. I got up walking to the kitchen to make some coffee, I felt like I didnt sleep at all. I made my coffee the way I liked it and made my way to the couch. I turned on the tv and curled my legs up next to me leaning against the arm of the couch. I sipped my coffee trying to wake up my RBF bitchier than ever. "That's more like it" I looked up to see Sam walking into the living room, "what do you mean?" I asked taking a sip of coffee.

He sat down next to on the couch and laughed, "Morning you. Yesterday you were all cheery, it was weird. Usually you grumble and groan with a pissed off look till like 10am and three cups of coffee." We both laughed and I shook my head. "That's not true" I said finishing my coffee and setting the cup on the table. "It so is" he looked at me with one eyebrow raised making me laugh again. "Ok sometimes. I just didn't sleep well last nigh." I popped my neck and stretched.

"Why? Colby keep you up all night?" I shook my head and shrugged "no i think i was just say you guys were leaving tonight" I looked over at him and he seemed confused. "Tonight? We don't leave till tomorrow." He looked at me and I shrugged "Colby said you guys had to leave tonight" Sam rolled his eyes. "Of course we do." I smiled and stood up grabbing my empty cup "that's alright though I'm going to try to come visit before everyone moves out of the trap house.... want some coffee?"

Sam nodded and followed me into the kitchen "yeah I'll take some" I reached into the cabinet grabbing out another mug. I poured us each a cup and began to put my cream and sugar in it "I enjoyed having you two here" I looked up from my mug and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and sipped his coffee, "so you were telling colby you passed you're final exam and received your Associates" he places his mug back on the couch and I nodded. "Yes I received my Associates and once I can sell my house I'll be moving to LA. And there I'll start on my Master's degree as I work" I explained the situation as Sam listened and nodded.

"Marine Biologist right?" He asked sipping his coffee again, "correct" I smiled walking to the fridge. "When do you think you'll be moving?" I pulled out some sausage links, eggs and potatoes shrugging. "A month or two just whenever I sell the house" I started making breakfast and sighed "kinda sad to think I'm gonna be selling my childhood home. I even still sleep in the same room that I did growing up" I began chopping the potatoes as I spoke getting a little emotional.

I began thinking of the stories my parents would tell me about how they got married and this was my mothers dream house so my dad worked as hard as he could to get this house. They moved in and my mother fell pregnant with me shortly after. My father died in a car accident when I was 12 and my mother overdosed in the downstairs bathroom when I was 17. I felt the tears streaming down my face, I tried wiping them away but I felt someone grab me turning me around. Sam wiped the tears away and pulled me in for a hug, "Don't cry please. I hate seeing you cry" I hugged him back trying to stop crying. After a few moment Sam pulled back keeping one hand on my waist and placed the other on my cheek sliding his thumb over the damp skin under my eye.

I smiled and sniffled "thanks Sam" he nodded and removed his hands from me. "That's what friends are for right?"

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now