Chapter 15: First Attempt

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It's been 4 days since I spent a holiday here in my cousin's place. I did enjoy my stay here but my Liver probably doesn't. hahaha.

We've been drinking every night, but I never get insanely drunk. I still can manage to chat Roseanne.

Text Messages

Mmy 👩🏻💖
Do you still have
plan to go
home? Received: 10:45am

Of course ma,
I just missed them
and enjoyed here.
I'll be home tom?
is that okay? Don't
Worry im well
behaved here. ☺️
I love you!
Miss you. Sent: 10:50am

Mmy 👩🏻💖
You don't
missed me? 😡
hahaha wow so sweet!!
Received: 10:52am

Yahh!!! Lia!
Why are you using
my mom's
phone. Sent: 10:54am

Mmy 👩🏻💖
She asked me
to text you! 😜
hahaha. You don't
seem to miss us
hmpppp come home
soon! Received: 10:55am

Oke 👌🏻 i will update you
bbygirl 😘 mwa!
Miss you. ♥️ Sent 10:57am

I'm still lying in bed when someone knocks on the door even if it's not locked.

Come in. I said.

Morning to my pretty handsome cousin. Gray said with his hoarse voice.

What happened to you? I chuckled.

Probably got it from drinking. He rolled his eyes. Let's eat! By the way are you up for tonight's errand?

The gay bar? I yawned.

Stupid! Hahaha. Yah there's gay there but we call it comedy bar. Faster fix yourself specially your bangs. We're waiting for you, food is ready.

Haha okay I'll be downstairs in 5. I shooed him away.

Good morning! Got any hangover? Ate Maryanne asked.

Oh no, I'm fine. hahaha I didn't drink too much. I smiled.

You can still drink? Later I'll bring you guys to the best comedy bar here.

It's fine with me, I haven't experienced going to that kind of place. Haha

Alright. You'll enjoy there, I guaranteed. She said.

Cool, can't wait. I started to eat while checking my phone in case Roseanne woke up first.

But as usual, I'm the one who's always to wake up first and send a good morning message.

Good morning Mal! 🌻
Wake up. Don't make
me miss you so much. :(
hahaha I can't imagine
how an angel look like when
they're asleep. 🙈 11:15am

Wake up!!! I'm more
awesome than
your sleep 😩😒 11:20am

I'll kiss you
If you
Don't wake up. 11:30am

hahaha. someone's
want a kiss hmm.

Hi!!! 😘😘😘 11:50am

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