Chapter 1: A Strange First Day

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Naruto fell back on his bed. It was certainly tough, being sixteen, friendless and all alone in an empty apartment building. He looked outside his window for a better view of his new surroundings, taking note of just how the close the building were together. It was definitely different to Hokkaido, Hokkaido with its beaches and warm climate. Then again, Tokyo was a lot further south, bustling with people too, but it still felt lonely. Mountains of boxes littered the apartment, most with ludicrous amounts of cup ramen to last a year or two and others with simple reminders of the very few happy moments in his life. He shook his head, sighing, as he let the rest of his procrastination fade and proceeded to unpack.

It was not often that Naruto regretted things, but at this moment he felt a sudden urge to go back. He had even lasted the past week without talking to someone, which was saying something considering he was known as the most loud and annoying person alive at his old school. He even felt a pang of sadness at the thought of his previous school, the one he vaguely remembered to have loathed for the past three years of his life. Tomorrow he would start at a new high school, an all boys' high school, one of those prestigious ones. It was certainly a miracle considering he was not particularly bright and had previously pondered owning a street vendor for the rest of his life. Ramen. That's what he'd sell- lots and lots of it.

Naruto sighed once more, falling into a state of disbelief. He didn't realize that coming to terms with change would be so difficult, but then again he had never coped well with change. He hadn't coped well with his parents' death- having only understood that they where somewhere he couldn't reach. It had left him frustrated, lonely and without aim. He liked going to the same arcade, ramen shop and various other places back home so Tokyo was definitely going take a while to get used to. He looked toward his only source of comfort, hiding in a large brown box. A small smile tugged at his lips as he proceeded to boil the kettle and pull out a container of cup ramen from the box. This was the only bliss he would experience for a while.

He then sauntered into the shower, wishing nothing more than to fall asleep and never wake up. Lathering shampoo into his hair, he reached for the soap, wrestling to keep the bar within his grip. The soap dropped from his hands, and he stupidly slipped on it, yelping as his butt hit the floor. Great, he thought. Naruto Uzumaki dies from slipping in the shower. Bummer. Rubbing his sore ass, he somehow knew the next day was not going to be good. His butt hurt really badly for one, but more importantly, he just wasn't ready to face anyone yet.


Its futile. Naruto huffed. He was standing at the entrance of his new school. Great...I have to go to this kind of school..He thought, irritated. It was definitely a prestigious school, the tall wrought iron gates said it all. And all because of a stupid high school entrance exam. I should probably be grateful though, being here has to be better than Hokkaido. He sighed once again, and felt himself being pushed by a sudden rush of students into his new school. All male. By the time the stampede had left him, Naruto found himself face flat on the ground with his head spinning endlessly.

"You need a hand?" A gentle voice called, followed by the most charming laugh he had heard in a while. It has to be, he thought, a sexy short-skirted, strawberry panty wearing hottie. He quickly rose to his feet, brushing himself as clean as he could, before locking eyes with the goddess.

"I'm fine thank y-". short hair? boys uniform? a beautiful smile on a...boy?

"I'm Sai", the boy pronounced, still smiling as he extended his arm to Naruto.

"Naruto." he stated bluntly as he shook Sai's hand. Of course, this is a freaking boys' school! He remembered.

"Is something wrong?" Sai asked innocently. Naruto sighed once more; clearly disappointment loved his face too much. Pushing the thought of himself in a harem of big-chested girls out of his mind, he half smiled.

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