Twenty Three

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"So you and that asshole are back together?"

My eyes flickered up from the ground as I watched the six two track runner sitting on the hood of his car in the athletic parking lot after school. I had skipped lunch to go to the library and in our classes Hunter and I never really had the chance to talk.

His skin was still glowing from his practice but he wasn't sweaty. I could smell the almost neutral woody scent of his cologne wafting in the breeze in the empty parking lot. Hunter's shirt was off and hanging from the waistband of his shorts like half of the other male athletes at this school, showing off for horny teenage girls practicing or running on the same fields.

"He isn't an asshole."

Hunter pursed his plump lips and rolled his rich mocha eyes.  "He basically said I was fucking you behind his back then called you a whore right after you were raped. I'd say that's a pretty dickish move, let alone for someone you claim loves you."

"You don't know anything about it, Hunter. So stay your of it," I frowned indignantly, crossing my arms with the intent of continuing to my car when Hunter's words stopped my movements before I even took them.

"Actually I do because you're the one who told me all about how worthless he made you feel."

"I shouldn't be talking to you alone," I muttered in a low, annoyed tone before speaking up. "He was confused and heated. How would you feel if every single person you saw was telling you Brittney was fucking David behind your back? No logical person would ignore that."

"Why did you just say?" Hunter spat back incredulously. "You shouldn't be talking to me alone? What the fuck, Kyra? That is not a healthy relationship if he's tell you who you can and can't be friends with. What? Does he think I'm going to bend you over as soon as I see you? He's too fucking possessive."

"No but at least see where he's coming from," I tried to reason desperately despite my growing frustration. "I've known you for two months and I've gone from hating you to spending almost every day with you. Granted most of the time we are with Will or Syd, but I was with you at that party. I was with you when the video came out. Max said I was fucking you in that video. It's not hard for someone to think that's the truth. Luke is a good fucking person and I love him, regardless of what you say. You're a good friend Hunter, but stay out of my relationships."

"I'm trying to protect you from an abusive relationship."

My jaw practically dropped when he said that. "Luke is not abusive. Don't just throw that around."

"I'm not just throwing it around, Kyra!" He shot back, standing up from the hood of his sleek black car to take his full height, practically a foot taller than me. Hunter stared down at me, the significance of his movement not lost on me. Maybe it was subconscious to him, but to me he was attempting to intimidate me with his size. Hunter would never fight me, but if I was an asshole really pushing his buttons, this is the same stance he would take before giving them a black eye.

"You know what? If you want to be with him, the then fine. Just don't come crying to me when he ends up being a shitty person who not hurts you. I'm your friend Kyra; I'm trying to protect you."

"Just like you wanted to protect me by keeping Kenna's baby daddy a secret?" I brought up just to tempt fate, driving the knife in Hunter's chest deeper.

His pupils were going to burn a whole in me. Hunter's sharp jaw flexed under his skin, shifting angrily with his muscles. He had resting bitch face which I honestly could relate to, but it wasn't helping deescalate the situation right now. "It's not my place to air her secrets. You think I go around telling people all the shit you tell me? No, because I'm a loyal fucking person. Besides, you know I don't know the whole story. Don't turn this on me, this is about you."

"So we can talk about my immorality but not yours? Real classy of you, Khan."

"This has nothing to do with me, Klein. Don't change the subject," he told me pointedly, heavily hinting that this could be a friendship ending conversation. Fine. Leave just like everyone else, Hunter. See if I give a shit.

"You're such a fucking hypocrite. You tell me not to let Luke control me and my social life when you're doing the exact same thing. Who are you to tell me who to date?"

"I'm not ordering you or giving you an ultimatum, I'm telling you this isn't healthy. But do what you want Kyra," Hunter held his hands up with resignation. "You once asked me how many girls we know would stop caring about what they thought about themselves and how many guys would hurt others without realizing it. Take a look in the mirror, Kyra. We're the fucking same as the people we hate."

"There's no escaping that. Every single person on this planet is a selfish hypocrite, even the nice ones. If anything, the nice ones are the most selfish because it makes them feel the best to help others and lord their morality over others even if it seems humble. Don't act selfless, Hunter. It's fitting until reality hits you."

"Don't act like a brainless teenage girl. Grow up Kyra, this isn't a fucking game."

A mirthful and humorless smirk graced my lips.

"Life is a volatile fucking game and no one will ever win it."

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